Carol’s Older Sister

My Mom’s sister, to me, is sweet Aunt Carol! She and Mom have many things in common…they both had seven children, are two of the most amazing mothers a person could have and are both deeply devoted, godly women! Aunt Carol, like all of us, has gone through many hardships, including her own battle with Leukemia! She stood firm in her faith and persevered. I am so glad she is my aunt and I am proud to have her as my guest blogger this week! I witnessed a beautiful, loving and precious relationship between her and my Mom. I asked if she would be willing to share a little with us and she sweetly agreed. Thank you so much!

Shirley and I were blessed to grow up in a loving and nurturing home. Our house changed locations several times, but our “home” remained the same, anchored by our parents love for each other, for us, their strong faith in God, and a loving extended family.

Shirley was the oldest daughter and I was the youngest by ten years. We had a sister, Phyllis, that was right in between us. Phyllis went home to Jesus at the tender age of 8 after a brave battle with leukemia. I know that had a tremendous effect on Shirley’s life and, in some ways, mine as well. I was only 3 when Phyllis died and became a very fearful child, and at bedtime that fear was magnified. Shirley and I shared a bedroom and my sweet sister would always find a reason to be studying or reading when I went to bed- evidence of her selflessness even as a young teen.

It was during those early teen years that Shirley experienced two very difficult events in short sequence. The first being the loss of her beloved sister and the second being her own long battle with rheumatic fever. I believe she was confined to strict bed rest for 5-6 months. I remember the celebration when she was finally allowed to come downstairs to be with us. God brought many good things out of these trials and three are evident to me. She was an avid reader during her confinement and became the valedictorian of her class, leading to her career choice of nursing (through which she met her future husband). Most evidently was her deep faith in Jesus that had a profound effect on my life and her family’s.

There were seasons in our lives when we had the gift of time to deepen our relationship as sisters. One such memory occurred in my early teens when I flew by myself from New Jersey to Maine to babysit Laura when Shirley gave birth to Bill. I was excused a few weeks early from school to make certain I was there and ready to help. However, Bill took his sweet time and didn’t come until July which gave me lots of time with Shirl, Bill, and Laura. Every week Shirl, Laura, and I would do a big grocery shopping trip. My sister would scan the newspaper ads for the best prices and specials at various stores. For staying under budget, she would treat us to lunch at a delicious sandwich shop. Eating out then was a novelty! 

That summer gave us time to reconnect as sisters and I loved her all the more. I have to say, I also enjoyed getting time to know my brother-in-law, Bill. He was so kind, a great deal of fun, and even took the time to teach me how to drive stick shift! We also shared our love for ice cream. He was a wonderful man.

Another such transition in our relationship occurred when I was in my early fifties and I was hospitalized for, what had turned out to be, a long battle with leukemia. From late August to November and just about every week, Shirl and Bill would make the trek from Ohio to North Eastern Pennsylvania arriving on Monday and staying until Friday. They spent that time with early AM visits with me and then loving, comforting, and feeding my children, grandchildren, and my husband. That was a sacrifice made by the whole Ticknor family as well! When I was transferred to the hospital in Philadelphia, they made that trip as well. It was during long days of isolation that they would sit outside my plastic bubble and have the greatest discussions, much sharing, and laughter.

My sister exemplified many of our Mother’s endearing traits. She was patient, not easily flustered, a great listener, nurturing, dispenser of godly wisdom, generous, a great cook, and always hospitable.

    She reminds me very much of the woman pictured in Proverbs 31,

“…but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.”.






9 responses to “Carol’s Older Sister”

  1. Skip Avatar

    Thanks mom for sharing your sweet memories. We were all blessed to have been able to spend time with Aunt Shirley and experience and witness the wonderful qualities you recall. She was a very dear and precious aunt to me and my family. The years we were able to share with Aunt Shirley and Uncle Bill and my amazing cousins (yes that includes you too Cate) when we lived in the Columbus area will always be cherished deeply.

  2. Stephen Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing these stories with us Aunt Carol. It is a gift to those of us who knew Aunt Shirley (and recognized her remarkable qualities as a person) to hear these accounts which add an even greater depth to our appreciation of her reliably consistent demonstrations of love.

  3. Nancy Avatar

    What a lovely tribute! I have always admired you and Shirley so much–both very like your mom, my dad’s beloved sister and my dear aunt. I loved this post about your own family, your time growing up together, and your supporting each other later on in life.

  4. Janet Avatar

    I also am thankful that I got to know Shirley. She truly was a Godly woman and loved people with open arms. Thanks Carol for sharing early days with your sister. Blessing to all.

  5. Ladd Avatar

    Thanks Carol for sharing this time of life growing up with your family, I enjoyed reading it very much. God sure is good to us when we all look back at what we all did and went through growing up! Thanks Cate God bless you sister!!

  6. Anne Avatar

    This was beautiful, Carol. Thank you for sharing our love of Shirley.

  7. Joyce Avatar

    Dear Aunt Carol,
    Thanks for sharing such sweet memories of Mom. You remind me of her so much. I am so grateful for your faithful examples of lives lived following Jesus! I love you!

  8. Rachel Avatar

    I know the blessing of a good sister…having four beautiful ones of my own! Thank you for sharing more about my mom. She was truly a unique woman that I feel so privileged to call Mom. Aunt Carol, your gentle, tender ways have always touched me. I can’t wait to meet your mom, my grandmother…the woman I never got to meet personally but who I know through the selfless actions and love of her daughters!

  9. Jan Avatar

    I will always consider getting to know Shirley Ticknor as a gift from God. I only had a brief time with her, but was touched by Jesus through her. Thank you for letting me get to know her better, and thank you for your faithful witness.