
When I was younger, I didn’t always agree with the saying, “It’s better to give than to receive.”  Especially around Christmas, I loved (still do) receiving presents!  As I’m growing older, however, I’m finding it to be very true! 

Over the years, I’ve been the recipient of many random acts of kindness from complete strangers!  On several occasions, I’ve been having supper out and when the time comes to pay my bill, the server will tell me, “Your bill has already been paid!”  I’ll look around to see if I recognize anyone! Nope, a complete stranger must have done it!  When something like this happens to me, it definitely restores my faith in humanity! 

I could write a book about the countless times people have seen me in need and come to my rescue! I tend to get myself into some sticky situations sometimes when I am out and about by myself.  I have tipped over in my scooter, been caught in the rain, run out of battery power…you get the idea.  There always seems to be a kind soul who stops to help.  I haven’t had to buy a new umbrella for years, thanks to the compassionate people of Grove City!   You’ve heard it said,  “It takes a village to raise a child” well, I have a new saying…. “It takes all of Grove City to raise Cate Ticknor!” I would like to say a big thank you to each and every one who has seen me on the streets of Grove City and has stopped to check and inquire about my welfare!

God has blessed me with a lot of very good friends!  They’ll call me and invite me out to go have fun with them!  During the worst depression of my life, there wasn’t a week that went by when I didn’t get an encouraging and uplifting card from someone in my church!

Just this past Friday, I was the recipient of a major act of kindness! I was at game day and found out that Matthew West was going to be in concert at the church on Sunday night!  I asked a guy if there were any tickets left.  He asked me if I would like to be a greeter.  You know me, I’m not shy! I came back with a resounding, “YES!”  Being a greeter entitled me to a free meal and admission into the concert! I was honored that the guy thought I was worthy of just being a greeter, much less that it would allow me to enjoy all of the night’s activities!

Over the years, I have also had the opportunity to be on the giving end of the fun!  I love it when I see someone in need and realize I can help make their situation better…but I also love to just surprise people who aren’t expecting anything at all!

Once, I ordered Mom flowers and I was given a complimentary little bouquet.  I didn’t want to go home with it because I didn’t want Mom to suspect that I was sending her flowers.  So, Project “Give Away the Bouquet” was underway!  I went into a hair salon and found a lady who I wanted to give the bouquet to.  I told her my story and she told me that the next day she was getting married, and that the bouquet would be perfect for the rehearsal that night!  She and I were both thrilled! 

On another occasion, which was very fun, I was eating in a restaurant, and at a table nearby was a group of high schoolers on their way to Prom.  I thought of a way I could hopefully help make their night a little more magical and special!  I decided to pay for their meal! It was fun!

When I went for one of my initial COVID shots, I thought it would be fun to thank those working on the front lines for putting their own lives in danger and at risk.  We were scheduled to receive the shot at a local hospital.  I bought a bunch of Starbuck’s gift cards and had a wonderful time passing them out to any and all I could! 

I have gotten all kinds of reactions to my gifts.  Mostly I am met with surprise and appreciation.  Actually, I think the one being blessed the most through all these experiences has been me! Having CP does limit my ability to do some helpful things for people that involve physical labor, like helping with a lot of the chores at home, giving someone a lift to the grocery, that sort of thing.  I think it may be one reason why I like to find other creative ways to help.  I love that no matter your situation there are always things you can do to help brighten someone’s day.  Just smiling and saying hello is one of my favorite things to do.  It is amazing how even a simple thing like that can make a difference in people’s days. 

I will be completely honest with you and tell you that not all my good deeds have gone smoothly.  One night, it was very cold.  I was out on my scooter and came across a homeless woman who I would regularly see around town!  I saw a need, had the resources to help and was happy and thrilled to be the one to help her. I was excited to be able to put her up in a motel for a night.  In the process, I misplaced my credit card and in my frantic search to find it I asked her if she had taken it…come to find out it was in my purse all along, I was just overlooking it.  I felt terrible for having accused her of keeping it.  To be quite honest, I felt like pond scum.  Fortunately, I apologized, and she forgave me. 

Writing this post, has made me think about the biggest act of kindness…Christ’s free gift of salvation!  When I think about it, that his gift entitles me to enter paradise and live with him forever, I can’t understand why He would do it!  Even when I keep royally messing up, he forgives me, and his promise still stands!  I DON’T DESERVE IT AT ALL! 

Last Christmas was the first time I wasn’t depressed after two years! My sisters wanted to give me a fun Christmas season, so they decided to give me a present every day in December! That also demonstrated GRACE to me since I had not treated them very well throughout my depression and struggle with OCD!  Through those years, my sisters continued to give me excellent care, day in and day out!  My sisters have taught me a lot about GRACE!  Sitting here typing this blog post I realize that GRACE, when extended to me (us) is one of the biggest gifts I (we) can receive! 

As I was talking about this post with one of my sisters, we made a fun little discovery.  We were talking about random acts of kindness and the pleasure the giver receives from the act, when we realized that God must feel joy in offering us his life! It isn’t something he gave grudgingly, but whole-heartedly!  I want to add to His joy by receiving it with gratitude and humility and then passing it on to others.   

Are you looking for some fulfillment and meaning in your life? I have the answer for you! GIVING!  It’s the best way to get all the things that really matter in life! 






19 responses to “Giving”

  1. Stephen Avatar

    Thank you for this thoughtful discussion of giving, which inspires your readers to be active givers. That is truly a message worth sharing.

  2. Mandy Avatar

    Cate, I was struck by what you said about your sisters who cared for you during your depression. Because you were suffering from depression, you railed against them as they continued their care for you. After two years of suffering you came out of the depression and your sisters celebrated your return to your self by giving you a present a day before Christmas. This was a happy time for everyone. You called your sister’s giving Grace. What a beautiful example of patience and forgiveness – and you, in grace received it. This is a beautiful part of your story.
    Aunt Mandy

    1. Cate Avatar

      Yes, my sisters have shown me a lot of grace!!!! They not only talk about grace, they demonstrated it!!!!

  3. Carol Avatar

    You had an amazing example of generous giving in your Mom and Dad! I see that generosity in the Ticknor family! Cate you have not just been generous in your giving but your living as well. Your honesty in your struggles as well as the deepening of your faith have blessed and encouraged me! I love how you always point to the presence of God in you! Love your blogs!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, it was so good to hear from you!!!! Thanks for your encouraging and sweet comments!!!! You and your whole family have been very generous over the years too!!!! I’M SO VERY GLAD YOU’RE MY AUNT, I LOVE YOU!!!!

  4. David Avatar

    Thank you for the gift of your smile and the gift to time to chat with you at Aldies. It is always uplifting talking with you.

    1. Cate Avatar

      I would also like to thank you for taking the time to talk with me at Aldis too!!!! I really enjoyed it!!!! Thanks for always taking the time to respond to my blog!!!!

  5. Jan Avatar

    You are a gift to us-thanks for the perfect reminder about giving and the perfect gift we have received from Him.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks❤️❤️❤️❤️ Right back at you, you’re a precious gift to all of us too!!!!

    2. Pam Avatar

      Cate, I really enjoyed reading your blog. I love the creative ways you have given to others. You also have given intangible gifts when you have shown concern for others and in your sincere prayers. I know, because I have been a recipient of both. You are a blessing, my friend.

      1. Cate Avatar

        Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Emmalyn Avatar

    Cate – It certainly takes the “village of Grove City to raise Cate Ticknor!” LOL When I think over the years, your family – from your parents to you and your siblings to your nieces and nephews – embody joy filled generosity. I thank our good Father, the giver of all good and perfect gifts, for you and your family. I love reading your blogs! Keep ’em rolling! 🙂

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouraging and lovely comments!!!!

  7. Ladd Avatar

    This one is so good to read and to know that God is so good to me and has blessed me so much!! I feel the same way you do Cate it’s so wonderful to see someone’s face when you give them a gift or help them in some way. It’s better to give than recieve!! God bless you Cate!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks as always!!!!

  8. Anne Avatar

    I love this and all the examples of giving. I totally vote for giving over getting; although a little getting can be pretty nice. You’re a great giver!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      You are a great giver also!!!! You have given to people all your life!!!! Through the countless hours of tutoring!!!!

  9. Nancy Avatar

    Hi Cate,
    Well said–thank you for this powerful reminder of the big impact of small deeds. You have illustrated this quite powerfully through this blog, which gives so much to your readers every week. Thanks for all the loving insights you share!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️