Volunteering-Part 2

When we moved to Columbus, I was looking for a job and, as usual, I couldn’t get anyone to hire me as a real, paid employee, so can you guess what I did?  I found another volunteer job in a library.  Hiltonia Library on Eakin Rd.  It’s been gone for a long time now, but there was a day when it was a thriving library.  One day I walked in a normal person and came out a volunteer!  AGAIN!

I would put books back on the shelf using the Dewey Decimal System. I did not like that method!  Books should be shelved into much larger categories! For example- Author, Drama, Comedy etc.!  I think the Dewey Decimal System is mainly so the library staff can shelf books in an orderly fashion!  I don’t think anyone would say, “Hey mom, I’m going to the library to get book 59.64” or if they would say that he/she is a genius and probably should be working for NASA!  ASAP! 

We had coupons for the library patrons to use and, along with shelving books, I would organize them and file the expired ones in file thirteen! I found out that this job was a GREAT CURE for insomnia!  I needed to find myself a coupon for a very high energy drink or a double extra-large (and yes, you can actually buy that size of drink at Speedway, I Iove their sweet Iced Tea.  I have typed many a blog post at the library while chugging, I don’t sip, I chug! down a double extra-large Iced Tea!)

Another task I did, that I actually quite liked, was window art!  A woman would draw the outline on the window and then I would color it in!  It was very fun!  I can admit, I’m no Rembrandt! In fact, may I be completely honest with you? If Cookie Monster, was a world-renowned artist, my artwork would more closely resemble his! 

Another fun opportunity I had was to ride my scooter in a parade with other library staff and patrons dressed up like Raggedy Anne. I got to throw candy out! It was really fun but also a bit unnerving because I followed a man dressed up like the devil! Why couldn’t he have dressed up a little more Cate/kid friendly? For example, Nemo or Sponge Bob Square Pants!  

My last volunteer job was with the American Red Cross!  I was happy to be working for them; an organization that does such good and helps so many people!  I would work in the office doing various tasks.  I had these little plastic buckets that I had to put stickers on that said “bio-hazard.”  I remember, there was a woman who I loved working with!  She was very friendly and funny!  I hate to admit this but, she’d make me lose all my composure and have me in hysterics!  I also got to work on a computer, which I love, deleting reoccurrences of the same names on a list!  I have to be completely honest; this job got a little monotonous and tedious!

I really found my niche when they started sending me to blood drives! I would greet people, have them sign in and by law I was required to say, “Would you please read this information!” I was just obligated to say that- whether they read it or not, wasn’t my problem! I’m glad I knew that! I’m a real stickler for following the rules! I didn’t have to tackle them to the ground and make them read it or hold them down while I read it to them!  I got to do this every Tuesday, at the weekly Blood Drive at Nationwide Insurance!  It was very fun having Dad drive me downtown to work/volunteer! 

One of the nicest things about volunteering is the flexibility it gives you.  Taking time off for appointments and vacations is much easier and it enables you to try a wider variety of things.  You aren’t stuck doing something you really don’t like…if one situation doesn’t work out, try something else!

If you’re unemployed or retired and want something meaningful and purposeful to do with your day, to meet great people, work in places you only dream about (It allowed me to work in a nursing home and hospital!) and at the end of the day be able to think, “I helped people and made a positive difference in the world today!”  I have one word for you….volunteer! 






12 responses to “Volunteering-Part 2”

  1. Pam Avatar

    Love your blog. Makes me smile every time I read it. You have a real gift for writing. You are such a blessing and an encouragement to enjoy life. Love ya my friend.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Janet Avatar

    Well, Cate, I have just sat here rereading your last 3 blogs. Have laughed and giggled with you over receiving/giving and volunteering. I am sure that where ever you volunteered, you were a delightful blessing to all those around you. Have a very blest week!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks! YOU’RE A precious gift to me from God. I really appreciate all the encouragement and support you have given me throughout my life!!!!

  3. Mandy Avatar

    Cate, I laughed and laughed reading this blog….the latest cure for insomnia, filing coupons at the library, or buying ice tea at Speedway…did I have to follow the devil on my scooter at the library costume parade (while tossing out candy) rather than Sponge Bob?……At the Red Cross blood drive – asking people – by law – to sign their name if they read the written material before giving blood…whether they read it or not was not her problem.. – no tackle to the ground for the truth of signature – What a great sense of humor you have.
    Aunt Mandy
    ps, your Pastor sounds great, she must be happy to be in your care

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouraging and supportive comments!!!! One of my biggest blessings with this whole blog has been reconnecting with you!!!!

  4. Ladd Avatar

    Every time I read your blog I always picture you doing all the things you have done and it really makes me happy and knowing what a great person you are for making so many peoples life so much better. Cate you are the best!!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks so much for all your encouraging words and making me feel so good!!!!

  5. Connie Avatar

    I have to laugh because at least you had fun while you were volunteering. I’m sure the people around you had fun too! Too funny.

    1. Cate Avatar


  6. Jan Avatar

    I don’t know Cate-let me get this straight. Your volunteering seems to have 1) put you to sleep sometimes, 2) had you disrespecting the Dewey Decimal system; 3) made you follow the devil down the street; 4) fostered an addiction to double-extra large caffeine fixes; 5) made you hysterical at a Red Cross office and 6) had you considering tackling innocent blood donors.
    I’m not sure you convinced me to volunteer…you just made me nervous about going anywhere that YOU might be volunteering! Ha!
    Love ya girl, keep doing you. The world needs it.

    1. Cate Avatar

      You are AWESOME!!!! You’re my pastor and I know you’re very busy! Still you make time to read and respond to my blog! I really appreciate it! I promise if you happen to be anywhere I volunteer I’ll be very good to you! I would ask to be allowed to work with you exclusively! You deserve the very best service I could ever give! Relax, NO WORRIES! You would be 100% absolutely in my care! SWEET DREAMS!