Finding Hope and a Future!

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope 2024 is good for each of you! 

I want to share an update with you about my future plans.  I am taking a sabbatical from writing my blog to concentrate on what God may have in store for me next.  I am not sure what the year ahead holds, but if I have learned anything from this blog it is that God has a hope and a future for me! I hope that sounds familiar!  It’s right from my life verse, and I am both a little anxious and excited to discover my next “chapter.”

I would like to thank you all again for letting me intrude into your very busy lives over the course of this past year to share some of my life stories.  Thanks too for taking the time to write such awesome, encouraging, kind and sweet comments! I am going to miss your weekly affirmations!

I love you all very much! May God bless all of you far greater than you could ever hope or imagine!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11







16 responses to “Finding Hope and a Future!”

  1. Janet Avatar

    I just have reread your last post and all the comments. It has been a joy to travel with you this past year and delighting in all your adventures. Thank you for sharing those and your pictures. The picture with this post is so pretty, you are a lovely looking lady. May God lead you to your next season and maybe at some point you will come back and share that journey.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for all your encouragement and sweet and supportive comments throughout the year!!!! I only regret we never made it snipe hunting!!!! I LOVE YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!

  2. Joanna Avatar

    I will miss your blogs! But I am so excited for what God has for you in the coming year! Love you my sweet cousin! 😘

    1. Cate Avatar


  3. Paul Avatar

    Cate, I will miss reading about all of your past antics. It seems to me you must be about 110 years old to have done everything you’ve told about yourself in the past year! I’m sure God will reveal His will for you in the days ahead because He promises that if we seek, we will find. Blessings, Paul

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, but you’re completely wrong- I’m 120- at least I feel like it some days!!!!

  4. Ladd Avatar

    Happy New Year Cate I’m so excited to see you posted this week. God bless and keep you filled with Joy and happiness this New Year, l can’t wait to see what God has in store for you this year l know it will be wonderful Love you sister!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      I’ll miss every Sunday morning reading your encouraging and nice responses!!!!

  5. Mandy Avatar

    Cate, you have done such a great job writing a blog about your life with
    CP. Too bad you don’t have a sense of humor!!!
    I never got back to you in response to your Christmas traditions.
    Yes, we Pittsburgh Ticknors had Christmas traditions, many from your uncle Art’s family like creamed chip beef on toast Christmas morning and the reading of Yes Virginia and The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve. We also would go into the woods and cut down our tree. We went to Church Christmas Eve.
    Good luck on finding your new project. I know you will find your way, you always have.
    Aunt Mandy

    1. Cate Avatar


  6. Jan Avatar

    May you hear God clearly as you seek His will.
    Isaiah 30:21. “And your ears will hear a word behind you. ‘This is the way, walk in it’ whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”

    1. Cate Avatar

      I know, “I’m one big hot mess!!!!” Thanks for all your encouragement and sweet support with this blog!!!! I want to take you out for lunch again, whenever you have a spare moment!!!!

  7. Dave Avatar

    Cate, Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorite scriptures. God has proven that scripture to be true over and over in my life. Thank you for the encouragement and smiles you gave us from your blogs. They will be missed. Happy New Year!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for all your encouragement and support!!!! I have really enjoyed being in touch with you and Marlene!!!! I want to stay in touch and keep in the know about how Marlene and you are doing. I LOVE YOU BOTH SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!

  8. Stephen Avatar

    Blessings to you in 2024 Cate, as you seek what comes next. Thanks for sharing so many meaningful and inspiring posts over the past year!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for all your encouragement and support this past year!!!!