How We Got Here

Are you an adventurer? Do you like adventures that take you all over and take you through every emotion you can think of? Well, fasten your seatbelt and pour yourself a good cup of coffee; I invite you to go on an adventure of a lifetime-literally the adventure of my life. I Promise we’ll have lots of happiness and laughter; along with some sadness and tears.

March of 2020, I don’t think we’ll ever forget that year!! It was like living in a history book! (I can see history books years from now with the title to a chapter “2020, THE YEAR THE ENTIRE WORLD CAME TO A COMPLETE STOP!!) Actually, I think it was around, March 13, 2020; my life began to “shut down” from Covid-19 wreaking havoc in my world! I had a great job that I loved! I worked on staff in a sheltered workshop going around doing activities with different people. I wanted to help people have a happy and fun day! I loved the job. Due to my having compromised health issues, we decided that I should not go back to work for a while. At first, it was fun and I was happy not to work! Eventually, my position at work was terminated due to Covid. I slowly began the downward spiral into dark, deep depression!

We really needed help! God directed my sisters to look online! We found some awesome people to help us through a very dark time! We’ve spent the last 2 & 1/2 years trying various medications and counseling. We were also supported by millions of prayers by friends and family! Today, I’m happy to tell you that we found the right medication and I graduated from counseling!!! Over the last 2 & 1/2 years my physical condition has changed! Now, I’m not able to walk and stand unaided. Not being “job” material, due to the extra physical help I need, we wanted to find something I could do at home. My brother suggested I write a blog about my adventures and experiences.

If by sharing my experiences with cerebral palsy (CP), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression, I can help someone, I’d be thrilled!!! CP, OCD, and depression are my main struggles, but believe me not all!!! I hope we can talk about all kinds of struggles. I’m not claiming to be an authority or expert, just simply sharing my own experience. I still have lots to learn! I’m sure you will teach me too! Let’s go on this journey with God and each other! I’m excited!!! Buckle up, grab that coffee and let’s go for another adventure of our lifetime! I like to joke around and have fun! Let’s agree that fun and laughter are going to be a big part of this blog!! God created fun and laughter! Also, please feel free to share my blog website,, with anyone you think would enjoy being part of our journey!






61 responses to “How We Got Here”

  1. Lily Avatar

    Cate thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing your beautiful heart and spiritual journey with all of us! You are such a blessing and inspiration! Looking forward to following along♥️ love you

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your loving comments!!!! I’m honored that you want to follow my blog!!!! Andy did one thing (a lot more I’m sure!) right- HE MARRIED YOU!!!

      1. Lily Avatar

        Hahahah you’re the best Cate and I couldn’t agree more!!!

  2. Andy Avatar

    Hi Cate, I am so excited to go on this journey with you and see how God uses you to encourage others. Can’t wait to read your next blog!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouraging and supportive comments!!!! I’m so glad you’re my cousin!!!!

  3. Joanna Avatar

    Love this Cate! Can’t wait to go on this exciting journey with you my sweet cousin! Love you!

    1. Cate Avatar

      You are so dear and sweet!!!! You’re always so encouraging and kind to me!!!! I’m honored that you want to share this journey with me!!!!

  4. Clyde and Arlene Avatar
    Clyde and Arlene

    Your testimony of the work of the Holy Spirit in your life is an encouragement to us. God is real. We look forward as He leads you to share more. It is a joy to join hearts in faith.

    1. Cate Avatar

      So great to hear from you! Thanks for all the love, prayers and support you both have given me over the last 2 and 1/2 years!

  5. Renee Avatar

    You bring joy into the room when you roll in. So glad to join your fan club!

    1. Cate Avatar

      You light up the room too! You do it in two ways! You bring the sunshine! ☀ Also, you radiate light from the Son too!

  6. Duane Avatar

    Thanks CateyBug I love your first blog. Can’t wait to read more and more of them. You are truly a wonderful blessing I love you and hope God richly blesses you!!✌️🇺🇲

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, for your love and support!

  7. Bonnie Avatar

    Woo hoo❣️ I’m so excited for this journey, you, & your family💞 Happy belated birthday 🎂 🥳. Blessings to you. I’m so pleased you are in a more positive mind set. 🙌 Blessings

  8. Cate Avatar

    Thanks so VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH to all of you for your loving and supportive comments and subscribing! I have been blown away and overwhelmed by your love and support!

  9. caroline Avatar

    thank you for sharing your heart and your story. what a blessing and an encouragement you are ! can’t wait for more ♥️

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for the lovely comments!!!!!

  10. Jennifer Avatar


    What a joy to be with you on this leg of your journey with Christ and what a difference in you since the last time I laid physical eyes on you. You are a treasure to me and how much the more to your Creator, the One who made you for His express joy and pleasure. Love you my sweet friend and sister. I am excited to watch from afar this time. May Christ fill you with a sense of the wonder of why He created you, perfectly and with His stamp declaring you His original design. I love you Catherine! If you get the chance to dance, always dance….there will be much dancing in heaven.

    Grace and peace,

  11. Elizabeth Avatar

    I am so excited for this new journey of yours dear friend! I was so encouraged by your phone call and have missed our discussions and prayer together at work. You are and have always been my encourager, and are a dear sister in Christ! God does have great plans for you dear Cate!! Your bright light will now be visible to so many! Beth

    1. Cate Avatar

      You’re always so sweet and encouraging! I LOVE YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!

  12. David Avatar

    Cate, I am excited to hear about your blog. Your smile and positive attitude are always such an encouragement. I also am blessed when I am able to hear your solos at church. I will be following you on your blog. Dave

    1. Cate Avatar

      YOU HAVE BEEN SO ENCOURAGING, LOVING and SUPPORTIVE FOR THE LAST 2- 1/2years!!!! Thanks for your encouraging comments!!!!

  13. Donna Avatar

    We are so excited for you and this new adventure. If we take you to dinner will you include us in your blog?

    1. Cate Avatar

      Sure!!!! I’ll do just about anything for a free dinner!!!! Name the place and time I’ll be there!!!!

  14. Janice Avatar

    Cate, thank you for the invitation to join in on the fun of your new blog. You are an inspiration to all who know you. Looking forward to your next post.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your comments!!!!

  15. Charlene Avatar

    God has plans for you and they are for his
    Glory. You have an amazing story . Glad I can share this journey with you. Love you girl cb

  16. Janet Avatar

    Good job Cate! Blessings!

  17. Carol Avatar

    So thankful you are doing this and know it will encourage all who read your blog! I know that after the storms the sun shines brightly and I already see the “Son” shining brightly in you! Looking forward to your next blog! ❤️

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thank you❤️

  18. Stephen Avatar

    By sharing the wisdom that you have accumulated in dealing with your obstacles, you can surely be a blessing to others who may be facing their own struggles.

    1. Cate Avatar

      WOW, IT WAS REALLY GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!! Thanks for your kind words!!!!

  19. Angie Avatar

    Hi Cate!!
    My sweet son (G) and sweet DIL (A) sent me the link to your new blog! I am looking VERY forward to it!

    1. Cate Avatar

      God has really gifted Abbey with creativity! She helped brand my blog and set up my
      Redbubble site!

      1. Angie Avatar

        That’s awesome! Yes Abbey is so creative.
        Hey, I play scrabble online too, and Yahtzee ha! I’d love to play either with you.
        Have a good night, and God Bless!


  20. Danny Avatar

    What a great first post! I’m looking forward to hearing more about your amazing adventure!

    1. Cate Avatar

      🙂🙂🙂🙂Thanks for your interest, I’m honored!!!!

  21. Diane Avatar

    I’m so glad you are putting your story out there to help others that are experiencing the same issues. You are such an inspiration!! Love you so much

  22. Gail Avatar

    Amazing and inspiring words from one of the most Beautiful souls❤️❤️❤️anxiously awaiting the next blog Cate!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thank you for your very sweet comment!!!! YOU’RE ANOTHER ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SOULS!!!!

  23. Betsy Avatar

    My beautiful cousin! So happy for you!! Can’t wait for more!

    1. Cate Avatar

      MY LOVELY COUSIN Thank you so much for all your love and support!!!! I LOVE YOU SO VERY, VERY VERY MUCH!!!!

  24. Connie Avatar

    I am so excited for you! Can’t wait to see your next post! I didn’t even know what a blog was until you educated me. I want to see more and more.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Blog? What’s a blog? I’m learning right along with you!

  25. Kelly Avatar

    So excited for new beginnings – Congratulations, Cate! I look forward to seeing all God has in store.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your comments!!!! I LOVE YOU VERY, VERY, VERY MuCH!!!!

  26. Kasey Avatar

    So excited to go on this adventure with you! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences! Love it!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, for your love and support!!!! I LOVE YOU AND DAVID SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!

  27. David Avatar

    This is great – thanks for writing such great things!

    Looking forward to what is to come!

    1. Cate Avatar


  28. Abbey Avatar

    Love this and you SO much!! Can’t wait for more!! ❤️

    1. Angie Avatar

      ❤️ 💙!!

  29. John Avatar

    Thanks Cate for all the amazing work you do. I am also honored that you chose my birthday, 1/27, to share. I always knew I was your favorite, not Michael.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Happy birthday!

      1. John Avatar

        Thank you!

  30. Jen Avatar

    I’m so glad your brother suggested this creative outlet for you (and us readers)! I hope God uses your story to bring hope, healing, and laughter to many. 💛

    1. Cate Avatar


  31. Steve Avatar

    Already looking forward to your next post!

  32. Joyce Avatar

    Love your new blog!!!!

  33. Rachel Avatar

    So excited to join you on this journey!

  34. Julia Avatar

    This is totally awesome!