Good ‘Ole Dad

my Dad

/dad/ n.

1. leader

2. provider (financially, but also many other ways)

3. devoted and loving

4. “Mr. Fix-it”

5. much, much more!!!!

This definition is straight out of the Catester (instead of Webster).

I’m not bragging; I’m simply stating the truth. When it comes to fathers… I WON THE GOLDEN TICKET!!!!  I’m the real life “Charlie Bucket”.   I’m a lot luckier than Charlie; Charlie’s GOLDEN TICKET was good for only one day, but my GOLDEN TICKET is good for a lifetime!

Dad is MY GOLDEN TICKET!  In Heaven- God will be the Almighty Father; Dad will be good ‘ole Dad! Dad was always happy and pleasant. He wasn’t a scary Dad to bring friends home to meet.  Dad, like Mom, juggled work and family effortlessly and happily, like it was no problem at all! Dad was a work around home guy. He was always there when I needed him.

Dad was the type of man I imagine God looking down upon, saying, “Bill, well done my good and faithful servant!”. He would give you the shirt off his own back if you needed it! He was a man who put actions with his faith! Dad lived out James 2:14-17  “What good is it dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it through your actions?  Can that kind of faith save anyone?  Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, ‘Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well’- but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing.  What good does that do?”  Throughout my life, we would have people who needed shelter and mentoring living with us. Another mouth to feed, no problem!

Dad and Mom started their day reading the Bible and praying together!  Dad was a “fix-it” guy! He was smart and could fix almost anything!

I always knew Dad loved me and I always loved him; however, there were many years that we were not very close. I’ve probably had OCD my whole life, but we didn’t even hear about it till I was in my late twenties.  My form of OCD is different from the typical ones you most often hear about.  It is not hand washing, counting, putting things in order, etc.  Mine has a spiritual aspect to it. I feel God is telling me to do or say things to people I love, in order to get them mad at me, so I can take some of the anger Jesus took when he went to the cross. These obsessive thoughts convince me that doing the compulsions will prevent me from waking up in a hot, dark coffin for all eternity.  My compulsions are not only directed at people here on earth, but at God as well. Dad, being a “fix-it” man and having a loving father’s heart, wanted to help me, but didn’t know how. He is very much a logical thinker and OCD does not respond to logic very well. I was scared and confused and desperate for help! It caused years of frustration and strain between us!  

After finally learning about OCD and getting medication for it, our relationship took a 180-degree turn! Dad became my buddy and he joined my “Best Friend” club! For years, he drove me to and from work every day. We just had pure fun together. He would make funny faces at me at the dinner table when no one else was looking. Humor was definitely a bond between us!

Dad was always very good about telling me he loved me as well as showing me. I remember one day Dad and my sister had to take me to the emergency room because I was so bad off. I was really struggling with my OCD and I had been especially hard on my Dad. The next morning, he came into my room, while I was still sleeping and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek!  Showing me a true example of God’s amazing, awesome grace and unconditional love! Another time, I remember coming home late and everyone was in bed. Dad got up and we had one of those special father/daughter moments.

Dad left a great legacy…he was a true man of God, a loving and devoted husband and father, a man of hard work and integrity, a great brother and all-around good guy! Ask me how I know? I see each and every one of these qualities in both of my brothers!

Well done, Dad!

Please forgive me. I’m going to be selfish and stingy and keep my GOLDEN TICKET, my Dad, for the rest of my lifetime here on this earth and for the AWESOME, GREAT, PERFECT and WONDERFUL eternity with Jesus, in Heaven!!!! I can’t wait to spend eternity with Dad, Mom, and all of you, without OCD!

This blog entry is dedicated in honor and loving memory of ​my dad.







22 responses to “Good ‘Ole Dad”

  1. Julie Avatar

    Cate, I loved this post and chuckled at the part about your dad sticking his tongue out at you during dinner when no one was looking. 🤣

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your sweet comments!!!!

  2. Mark Avatar

    Cate…I love your writing. It is so touching. You have such a kind, soft heart. I only met your Dad once, but through my friendship with Steve, I feel like I knew your Dad for years. Steve, and your brother Bill, have all the traits that you highlight in your Dad! Your Mom & Dad raised a very generous and loving family. You should be very proud of that Golden Ticket!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your comments!!!! It was great to hear from you!!!!

  3. Elizabeth Avatar

    Thank you Cate, I love this story about your father! Such an awesome man of God! I miss you dear friend! ❤️

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your sweet comment!!! I miss you too!!!! We’ll have to get together sometime!!!! Love Ya

  4. Jennifer Avatar


    How I thank God for these sweet posts that remind me too of the goodness of our Father! I miss your parents but have great hope to spend eternity praising with them before the throne of The Creator.

    You are 🥰


    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for all your encouraging and sweet support and comments!!!! Your relationship with God is growing and you radiant Christ!!!! It is very evident!!!! You ARE TOTALLY AWESOME and LOVELY INSIDE and OUT!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

  5. Donna Avatar

    I never had the opportunity to know your parents but they did an awesome job with their kids!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks so very much!!!!

  6. Jan Avatar

    Your dad was an amazing man. Not only did he and your mom raise an amazing family that has touched so many lives, but I don’t think Lower Lights Ministries would be what it is today apart from your parents. Thousands of lives have been touched by the love of God because of their faithful witness. I’m one of them.
    May those who come behind us find us all as faithful!

    1. Cate Avatar

      You’re an AWESOME WOMAN!!!! I’ll tell the world!!!! Thanks so very much for all your love and support!!!! You, MY DEAR JAN, ARE LEAVING A GREAT LEGACY!!!! I know God looks down upon you and Bill and says well done my good and faithful servants!!!! Jan, we joke around a lot but I want you to know I love you and I’m glad you’re my friend!!!!

  7. Duane Lawrence. Avatar
    Duane Lawrence.

    Wow cateybug he really sounds like a special dad. My dad was special too I guess we were very lucky that God gave you and me great Dad’s I love you sis see you at Church,

    1. Cate Avatar

      He was very special!!!! I’m so glad we both had great Dads!!!! A great Dad is important to have!!!! Thanks for all your encouraging, kind and supportive comments!!!!

  8. Andy Avatar

    Thanks for sharing Cate, you nailed it, your Dad, Uncle Bill to me, was a very Godly man and a great example to all of us. I used to love when he would take us all on his hikes when ever we visited.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for taking the time to comment!!!! Dad will be guiding hikes in heaven, I’m sure!!!! Can you imagine how AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL and LOVELY those hikes will be!!!! I’m excited because I’ll get to go on hikes in Heaven!!!! We won’t even have to worry about Poison Ivy!!!!

  9. Charlene Avatar

    Yes he was a man of God , I know for sure .
    He forgave me of my sins . Loved me . Bill was the father I never knew . Bill taught
    Me what a fathers love was really all about .
    So in learning how to love Bill and Shirley .
    I learnt to love God. Because I knew that
    Someone greater then them showed them how to love everyone that they ever touched. So I would watch them and say when I grow up I want to be just like them.
    I would watch him in the food pantry and Shirley . Cause someday I wanted to do it .
    So I just want to say thank you God for my
    Adopted Mom and Dad and the whole wonderful loving family.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks MY AWESOME, beautiful friend for your lovely comments!!!! You’re the best!!!!

  10. Connie Avatar

    Your blog is so awesome and I love reading them. They touch my heart so much and I now know where you got your sense of humor from. God will continue to be there by your side and will have that place in Heaven ready for you when you arrive. Just think what all you will be doing without pain, suffering, etc. and enjoying everything you ever wanted to. BTW is there a jail in Heaven so I’ll know if we will have to continue to save bail money for you??? God is so good to us all. Thanks for sharing with us all.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thank you my dear, sweet friend!!!! Connie, there are no jails in Heaven!!!! No more bad things- just all awesome, all the time!!!! It’s going to be fun spending eternity with you in Heaven!!!!

  11. Janet Avatar

    Well done Cate! It was a joy to be reminded about what a Great Man your Dad was. I am thankful that I had the blessing to know him and be part of family times around your kitchen table.

    1. Cate Avatar

      You’re so sweet and supportive!!!! Thanks again for your precious comments!!!!