First Bus Ride

I’ve always felt loved and so protected!  My Mom was a little extra-protective of me because of my CP. She was never overbearing or stifling! I could usually talk her into what I wanted to do.  I loved her for it! That’s what moms are supposed to do- love and protect you! And let me tell you, SHE DID IT EXACTLY RIGHT! Right up until the day she died. Today, I really miss her love and protection. To me, she was the perfect combination of loving and protecting.  She’d listen to me and she knew I had to grow up and make my own decisions.

I was attending a community college in Dayton, Ohio. My younger brother had just gone off to college and I was very sad. I was feeling the need for something new and exciting! On this particular day, I got it into my head that I was going to take the RTA (Regional Transit Authority, Dayton’s local bus system) from the community college downtown to the Dayton Mall. The mall was about eleven miles away in Centerville, a suburb of Dayton and was the closest bus stop near home that I was aware of.  I later discovered a stop that would allow me to make it all the way home on my scooter!  I was very excited and hopeful that this would add more independence to my life! I was more concerned that my Mom would be nervous.

Well, let me get back to my story. I was determined to ride the bus home and nothing or no one (NOT EVEN MOM) was going to stop me or talk me out of it! I knew I had to call Mom and tell her that she would need to pick me up at the Dayton Mall. I knew Mom would try to talk me out of it! I can hear her saying this right here and now, “Oh Cate, honey, please let me come get you! Wait until someone can go with you, at least for the first time!” Well, I needed a plan, and I sure did get one!

I made that call, from a pay phone. (This was years before cell phones were a thing.) Here’s how it went down folks. I picked up the phone and I said, “Mom, I’m taking the bus to the Dayton Mall.  I’ll call you when I get there.  Bye!” Click. I didn’t let her say one single word! Mom couldn’t call me back and she certainly couldn’t track me on “Find My Friends!” Once I hung up the phone we both had to trust this was going to work out!

I did arrive at the Dayton Mall safe, and Mom was relieved! She wasn’t mad! Once, she knew I could do something, she was ok and very supportive. In fact, I think it became convenient for her too! I want to thank my Mom for all the love and protection she gave me all my life! I’m looking forward to doing fun things with her in heaven that CP robbed us from doing down here on this earth! I would like to tell Mom to get ready and get some rest- because, when I finally get to heaven, there’s a lot of fun to be had!







22 responses to “First Bus Ride”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    Catherine…oh Catherine,

    Always a scoundrel, but a fun and exciting one. The older I get, happens each second I live, the more I realize how truly blessed I was to intersect with your clan. I love my new job and I am learning to laugh at the mundane, and study to honor the Lord but at same time I am fierce about my schoolwork.

    It’s been a bit over 4 months since I lost mom and I know it doesn’t get easier. Your mom was a winner winner chicken dinner! 😂

    ❤️ jenn

  2. Vince Avatar

    Hey Cate! I loved reading this entry on your blog! Just from knowing you, I am certain that you made your mom so proud. I know that I am proud to know you. Thanks for sharing this story. It was truly a pleasure to read.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my blog!!!!! I’m proud of you too. You’re an AWESOME SERVICE COORDINATOR!!!!!
      I admit I’m not always an easy case!!!! I know you treat all your cases like you treat me, therefore I can just imagine that all your people are happy with their Service Coordinator. Thanks again for responding. Thanks for choosing to have a career that helps improve the lives of disabled people!!!!

  3. Renee Avatar

    I love your adventurous spirit! Your mom was a saint, for certain!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your faithful reading and commenting!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

  4. Jan Avatar

    Your description of what a great mom is like made me cry-you have been blessed and well-loved to be able to describe truth and beauty so perfectly.

    Your mother was a blessing to me, and one of the most saintly women I’ve had the privilege to know. But hearing what she went through with you and your wild plans makes me more impressed with her holiness than ever!

    It’s just a suggestion, but have you ever considered writing about your rather slight, very minor, hardly noticeable at all, stubborn streak? Just saying…..
    Haha! Love ya girl.

    1. Cate Avatar

      What on earth are you talking about? I don’t have any stubborn streak!!!!! Ha ha ha ha My Mom must have prayed for patience and then I was born!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!

    2. Jennifer Avatar

      What say you to that challenge CMT? I can hear you say those words and tears well up in my eyes. I am so busy with school and work-but I love you! Come visit me in Texas! We sure love iced tea….lol.

  5. Janet Avatar

    Good Blog, Cate. How rewarding it must be for you to review your memorials of past years, knowing that God has been with you each step of the way.

    1. Cate Avatar

      I really appreciate you!!!! You have been a faithful friend to me… loving me, praying for me and reading and responding to my blog!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! The only thing I don’t understand is that you have never taken me snipe hunting!!!!

  6. Duane Avatar

    Great story Catey I can only imagine how worried your mom was when you said bye (click) but when you called to say you made it ok bet she was relieved but most of all so proud of you!! Well God bless you sister.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your sweet comments and thanks for your faithfulness to read and respond to my blogs!!!!

  7. Connie Avatar

    Oh how I enjoy your blogs! Keep them coming!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for all your encouragement, love and support!!!! Thanks for being a faithful reader!!!!

  8. Mandy Avatar

    Hi Cate, the First Bus Ride is a wonderful story, well written. CP didn’t stop you from making that phone call from the pay phone. That can be a first step for all who read your blog. Hope you save these stories.
    Keep up the good work
    Aunt Mandy

    1. Cate Avatar

      Aunt Mandy,
      Thanks for your encouraging and sweet comments!!!! I love being in touch with you!!!! I’m so glad you are my Aunt!!!! I LOVE YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!

  9. David Avatar

    I loved this story, Cate! Thanks for sharing. It has me inspired to try something new today 🤔🙂

    1. Cate Avatar

      David, Thanks for your kind response!!!! I love hearing from you and Kasey!!!!

  10. Paul Avatar

    Cate, After reading your blog these past weeks I’m beginning to think your CP hasn’t cost you as much as it has given you ( “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬). Your life has been one adventure after another and you have embraced the challenges. You (and your blog) are inspiring.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for the supportive comments!!!! Missed you in Sunday school today!!!!

  11. Anne Avatar

    Once again- this is great- I love how strong and positive you are. I can just see the look on your Mom’s face when that telephone call ended. It made me laugh!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouragement!!!! I’m glad it made you laugh when you thought of Mom’s face when the telephone call ended!!!!