Nice People

I have been the recipient of some really awesome kindness throughout the years!  My faith that there are still nice people in the world has been restored many times over!

A couple weeks ago I had to have a CT scan of my lungs.  I was very anxious and nervous about the whole thing!  God sent an angel to oversee the CT scan! From the very first minute he came to take me back to the room, he was as reassuring and nice as he could be! He informed me that I had to go back without my sister, which was hard for me!  

I might not have gone through with it had it not been for Ralph.

Ralph took me back to the CT scan room and I told him that I was nervous about the procedure.  He sat down on the table and let me talk about all my fears! He was very patient and took the time to explain how the whole procedure would work!  I told him he would probably go home that night and tell his wife all about the wacko woman (me, yours truly) he had to deal with today.  He told me that he wouldn’t. (I sure would’ve gone home and told my family if I ever had to work with a wacko like me!) Finally, he asked me if I wanted to give it a try! He let me decide, he wasn’t demanding or pressuring me! 

During the procedure he noticed that I was having trouble keeping my legs on the table, so he put a pillow under my feet which really helped me a lot!  Throughout the test he kept checking on me to see if I was doing alright! When it was all said and done, I gave him a big hug.  On the way out, I told him that if I ever needed another CT scan, I wanted him there! 

Ya’ll know that I’m not shy! I’ll strike up a conversation with anyone who will listen to me! (and sometimes they don’t even have to listen!)  When I used to bike and walk through the neighborhood, I would go by this man’s house who often happened to be outside and I, of course, had to strike up a conversation with him! A friendship developed! He was a very nice man and I enjoyed talking to him!

One day I noticed that he had the coolest looking vehicle in his carport! Part motorcycle, part golf cart, and in my mind, part bat mobile! I think I probably asked him (remember I’m not shy!) if it would be possible for me to have a ride in it sometime! Well, one day, who do you think pulled up in our driveway? Yep, you’re right, my friend on his WAY COOL VEHICLE!  Don’t worry, Dad got to meet him and saw that he was a decent, kind man just doing something nice for me!  He drove me to Starbucks, and we went through the drive-thru and he bought me a cup of iced coffee!  How nice was that!

Another time I got the idea that I needed an umbrella holder for my scooter.  Silly me, I didn’t know what to get or what I was even looking for, but I was off to Home Depot to scout out some possible materials. I would then bring them home and let my sister figure out how to put it all together and actually make the umbrella holder.  I had complete confidence in her abilities, she is very talented and can figure out how to do all sorts of things! I like the challenge of trying to invent things to help me be more independent and overcome my physical disabilities.  I knew I could find something and I knew I was also going to get a friendly Home Depot associate to help me!  Well, I did find the friendliest associate! He went above and beyond the call of duty! I described to him what I wanted to make, or rather if I’m being totally honest, my sister to make!  He not only knew what materials I needed, he made me an umbrella holder right then and there in the store!  I asked him how I should have the cashier ring it up and he said it was on the house!  I don’t really use it as an umbrella holder anymore since I discovered it makes an awesome drink holder and shopping bag hook!

So as you can see in my case, kindness goes a long way! You want to make a difference in this crazy mixed-up world? YOU CAN…be kind! 






24 responses to “Nice People”

  1. Vince Avatar

    Hey Cate!

    I enjoyed reading your blog entry this week. I especially liked you sharing stories about how outgoing you are. You’re so kind and social, so it’s no surprise that you’ve encountered some great people.

    Keep up the great work, Cate!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for reading and responding to my blog!!!! Once again it confirms what a TOTALLY AWESOME SERVICE COORDINATOR YOU REALLY ARE!!!! I’m glad you like my blog!!!! I thank God for YOU BEING MY SERVICE COORDINATOR!!!! I know you probably get tired of me saying it all the time!!!! Face it, Vince, that’s the price you pay when you just happen to be… TOTALLY AWESOME !!!!

  2. Michael Avatar

    Hi Cate.

    I recently read an email newsletter that shared a related message about how to be a better person by asking this question:

    What did you do that was kind today?

    Think about how much better the world would be if everyone thought this way.

    Thank you for this post (and message). I accept the mission to be kind and maybe make a difference in this crazy world.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouraging comments!!!! I want to say to you that you already make a difference in this crazy, mixed up world!!!! I know for a fact that you are a very nice person!!!! You are always so very kind and nice to me!!!!

  3. Kasey Avatar

    Cate, this was so encouraging! Absolutely loved all these stories!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Great to hear from you!!!! Thanks for the encouraging words!!!! How are YA’LL doing? I love and miss YA’LL!!!! Have a great day!!!!

  4. Mandy Avatar

    Cate, I am so happy that you wrote stories about kindness on your latest blog. Everything changes when kindness is met. Keep recording all your responses to life, they are so important.
    Aunt Mandy

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouraging comments!!!! I really appreciate and value your comments!!!!

  5. Janet Avatar

    You Go Cate! Excellent post.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks ❤️

  6. Connie Avatar

    As my mother use to say, “where there is a will there is a way” and I think my dear friend Cate, this fits you to a tee. Thank you for always being you!!!! Love reading your blogs.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks again for your support and sweet comments!!!! I really love you so very much!!!!

  7. Ladd Avatar

    What a great reminder in life to be kind to everyone you see and meet and usually they are kind and good back at you. Not always though but a great story Cate. Thanks for all you do sister God bless you


    1. Cate Avatar

      I really appreciate you!!!! Thanks for all that you do too!!!!

  8. Anne Avatar

    I’m really glad I got to read this just before we’re about to come back to your house so I can give you a hug- one of the kindest people I’ve ever known!!
    Love you!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, I love you so much!!!! I’m really enjoying our visit!!!! Thanks so very much to you and Uncle Rob for making the long trip to come see us!!!!

  9. Abbey Avatar

    I LOVE this!! Such a good reminder/encouragement. I also love how encouraging and kind YOU are!! You always pay it forward! ❤️❤️

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your very kind and sweet comments!!!! You are also a very kind and sweet person!!!! You do a lot of wonderful things for people!!!! I’m very glad and proud to be your aunt!!!!

  10. Jennifer Avatar


    I’m sitting here at Chili’s eating lunch and laughing out loud so much at this post. Yes! That describes you to a tee. Wow! I am an extrovert myself but recently encountered someone to extro for me. That’s a whole lotta. Keep smiling, even when tears roll down your face-remember the promises of YAHWEH! He breathes the air into your lungs.

    Much love sweet sister!


    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for continuing to read and respond to my blog!!!! I really appreciate all your support!!!!

  11. Andy Avatar

    Thanks for sharing Cate. What a great reminder to us all to look for opportunities to show kindness to others! Hope you have a great day!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks!!!! I’m so excited I’ll see you in a couple weeks!!!!

      1. Andy Avatar

        Yes, we are excited that we will be seeing you soon.

        1. Cate Avatar

          Yes that will be so fun to see you all again!!!!