Blog Launch Day

(Log Blaunch Day)

I will never forget the day we officially launched this blog.  It was on Sunday; January 29, 2023! 

The day started out special for me from the moment I woke up!  My good friend, Charlene, told her kids about my blog and website. Charlene’s daughter wrote a response to my very first post “How We Got Here” the night before, so I had a response waiting for me when I woke up Sunday morning! My sister came to wake me up and she was excited to tell me that I already had a response to my blog.  I was so excited; I could hardly believe it! 

John (Charlene’s son) responded later in the morning.  All of this happened before 2:00 pm, our official blog launching time!  Jennifer and John, if you’re reading this, I want you to know that you both made the start of my blog launch day very exciting and special! So, thank you both for being the first responders (not to an emergency of mine, it does sound like that doesn’t it!) but to my blog! 

I took my business cards to Church and told everybody that today, at officially 2 pm EST, I was going to launch my new blog!  My church family has been very supportive of me over the years.  It was fun to share some good news with them after my years of struggle, which they helped me through!

My family usually gets together on Sunday afternoons. On this particular day, my family made it extra special for me!  Around 2:00 pm (probably 1:55 pm to be exact) we all gathered around the computer and started counting backwards from ten…10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, launch! My brother (Steve, his wife Kara and their daughter, Abbey did SO MUCH to get this blog up and running! I would like to say a big THANK YOU to them!) and we pushed the send button together to send out the email announcing my new blog! 

Then, we had a piece of cake. They made my favorite cake (Sour Cream Pound Cake), chocolate sauce and ice cream!  Steve and my sister, Rachel (she helps me maintain my blog)  were sitting at the table with their computers.  It was like working at election headquarters on election day, waiting for returns to come in! 

Now, this is the part where all of you out there came in to make it so very special!  Responses kept coming in all afternoon and evening!

Today, I realize that all of you were/are the big STARS OF THE SHOW!  It’s all of you that have made this blog successful, by reading and responding! I am humbled by the many people who have taken the time to read and respond to my blog! I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for all your caring, encouragement, love, reading and responding. You all have written such sweet responses; I’m very humbled!  THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!  I PRAISE GOD FOR ALL OF YOU!

My brother and I had set a goal of getting 50 followers/subscribers in the first year! Well, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU  I had close to 50 followers/subscribers the very first night! All of you bless me so very much!  I’m overwhelmed that all of you would take the time out of your busy lives to read and respond to my blog! (Shameless plug…if you haven’t already, you can subscribe here to get my weekly emails with links to each new blog post. 😊)

Just for fun… when Steve and I went to make my blog opening video, I accidentally said, “Hi, I’m Cate. I’m blaunching my new log…” Oops! It kinda became our way of referencing that special day. Thought I’d share the blooper footage. Enjoy a chuckle.

My excitement gets the best of me!






20 responses to “Blog Launch Day”

  1. Stevie Avatar

    Testing again

  2. Amanda Avatar

    Cate, this video just made my day! Just like you do every time I get to see you in Sunday school and church! So thankful for the chance to get to know you better and count it a blessing to have you as a friend! I love you! See you tomorrow!

  3. Mandy Avatar

    Hi Cate, there always has to be a first and your first blog is memorialized by it being blanched. (video) I laughed, you laughed. All done with such good spirit. Thank you.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks I LOVE YOU!!!!❤️

  4. Paul Avatar

    Hey Cate. I’ve been entertained every week since you blaunched this log! Keep it coming girl.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for continuing to go on this journey with me while I’m blaunching my log!!!!

  5. Connie Avatar

    I look so forward every week to reading your blogs! I love your sense of humor and you! Keep the blogs coming.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks my faithful follower and responder!!!! I love you!!!! You’re totally awesome!!!!

  6. Diane Avatar

    Cate, my precious friend, I love your blogs and look forward each week to see what kind of humor you will share! You crack me up!! Love you

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. Ladd Avatar

    That is so funny Cate I love reading your blogs. Every week I can’t wait to see the new one come out. God bless you for all you do, you are so inspiring and a beautiful soul I always look forward to seeing you and Joyce at church and Sunday school.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks Ladd for your weekly encouragement and kind comments!!!!

  8. John Avatar

    Of course I’m reading this; I’ve read everyone since your log blaunched! Thanks for continuing to share your journey with us.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for being a faithful log follower and being the second person to respond to my blaunching my log!!!!

  9. Jan Avatar

    I have to say Cate, yours is the VERY best blog I have ever read. No doubt at all. What I love about it is that it almost always makes me laugh-because you are a hoot. But I have to be honest: yours is the first and ONLY blog I have ever read. I also have to admit that, as great as your blog is, you are even better in person 🙂
    See you tomorrow my friend!

    1. Cate Avatar

      There’s only two things for me to say!!!! Thanks and you’re totally awesome!!!!

  10. Monica Avatar

    Haha! I love bloopers! And I love how you can take such a risk putting yourself out there in a vulnerable way AND still laugh at yourself. I think by just being yourself in that way you help inspire others more than you might know. You’re on a roll-keep it up!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for following from way out there in Oregon!!!!

  11. Anne Avatar

    I look forward to your blog every week!!! It’s always uplifting and almost always makes me laugh out loud. Love you, Cate!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️