All Creatures

Are you looking for something awesome and wholesome to watch on TV?   Let’s face it, on today’s TV, the pickings that fit in that category are slim to none!  Well, I’ve got good news for you!  My sisters and I found this show on PBS, “All Creatures Great and Small“ and WE LOVE IT!  We’ll watch the same episodes over and over again.

It’s based on the real life of James Herriot; a veterinarian to the usual cat and dog but also to big farm animals such as bulls, cows, horses, and sheep. The worst you’ll ever hear is the occasional mention of a beaver’s home (dam) and the worst you’ll ever see is a cow and horse being born but also, you’ll see a cow and horse being put down.

The show is filmed in England.  You’ll see some lovely scenery!  The characters, you’ll grow to love each one! I don’t want to ruin it for you, but I do want to make it sound intriguing to watch! 

The first season is going well, until you are led to believe that Helen is going to marry the wrong guy.  You’re asking, “Cate, are you really going to leave us hanging?”  YES, I SURE AM!  A writer often puts in cliffhangers to keep his/her readers interested (in this case I want you to get on PBS and watch the series “All Creatures Great and Small”).

Each character has their own unique personality and their own agenda! The characters have interesting relationships with each other. This series has everything you want in a show!  You’ll cry, laugh and you won’t want the episode to end!  We like listening to their accents and learning new expressions.  We find ourselves repeating their lines a lot in our household!   See if you don’t agree with me after watching.

James- He is a hard-working veterinarian. Honest, doesn’t compromise his values. Does the right thing even if it means hardship for him! Speaks up for himself.  James is his own person, even with an overbearing mother.  Despite her meddling, he still is kind and respectful to her! Not only is he good at caring for animals, he is kind to the owners and farmers and is able to gently help them change some of their outdated ideas of caring for their animals.

Helen – She is not afraid of hard work having been raised on a farm. Her mother died, leaving her to take care of her dad and younger sister. She speaks up for herself and is true to her own feelings. Good daughter. Good older sister.  Caring, loving, supportive and wants the best for her younger sister. Not afraid to speak candidly to men. 

Siegfried – Thinks he’s right and his way is the best all the time. Thinks he knows what’s best for his younger brother and feels the need to take care of him. Tends to be overbearing and sets high standards for his younger brother. On the other hand, Siegfried knows what is right and he’ll stand by you and be loyal to you even if it is at cost to him! I appreciate this about Siegfried, he can eventually come around and admit he was wrong and apologize!  He genuinely cares about everyone who lives under his roof.  I mentioned earlier Siegfried comes across demanding and overbearing on the people in his household, but they are used to his ways, and they let it go in one ear and out the other. Siegfried is also a veterinarian and always puts the animal first (except when it comes to keeping his brother from being enlisted in the war, if you want to understand what I mean, I’m not telling, you’ll have to watch the series.  That may not seem fair, but you’re not the blogger, I am! ha ha ha ha).

Mrs. Hall – housekeeper for Siegfried. The real head of the household, but she lets Siegfried think he is!  Mrs. Hall is a big advocate for James and Tristan.  She is not afraid to stand up to Siegfried!  Mrs. Hall is a loyal and devoted mother to her estranged and lost son. She can look beyond the circumstances and get to the truth. She is not afraid to fight fire with fire! She pushes everyone to be their best!  You can tell she has used “tough love” when dealing with her son!  She does the right thing even when it’s hard! 

Tristan – At first, he comes across as only doing the bare minimum to get by and seems out to please only himself but then you find yourself falling in love with his character.  He is so funny, and he starts really trying to pull his own weight! I’m going to use one more trick to make you want to try out the show!  Watch what Tristan does with a parakeet! (Want me to tell ya?  I’ll never tell!) Tristan really cares about people.  You come to see that he can really do more if he really applies himself.  You see a lot of tough times between Siegfried and Tristan, but also you will experience some caring, loving and tender moments between them!  (I cheated and put one more enticement to watch the show, ha ha ha ha)

Tricki Woo- Interesting character. Find out for yourself. Watch the series!

God created everything and we really need to take care of all creatures great and small! 






12 responses to “All Creatures”

  1. Stephen Avatar

    It is so fun to hear about your appreciation for all things Herriot. My Dad and I read his books back in the 1970’s, and we were big fans of the original PBS series, which was on TV back in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. We never missed an episode. It has indeed been a treat to see this new Herriot series, and you do such a great job describing these beloved characters! I am sending you a copy of our favorite old Herriot book, that is a collection of some of his best stories. It is now out of print, but I found a pre-loved copy to send your way. Blessings to you!

    1. Cate Avatar

      YOU MADE MY DAY!!!! It’s so fun keeping in touch with you now!!!! Thanks so very much for your encouraging and sweet comments and I’m sure WE ALL WILL TOTALLY LOVE THE BOOK!!!! Please tell your whole family that I said hello!!!!

  2. Connie Avatar

    I have been so bored recently with what is on television but Cate to the rescue!!!!! I will be watching this because I love animals and this looks like it will be right up my alley. Super Cate to the rescue!!

    Hugs my Dear Friend

    1. Cate Avatar

      You’ll totally fall in love with this show!!!! We sure did!!!! It’s such a great show!!!! Happy watching!!!!

  3. Duane Avatar

    You are doing so good with this blog, I am so glad the Lord led you to do this. Every week I can’t wait to see what you are gonna write about, well I don’t hardly watch TV anymore but you now got me intrigued to check it out. Thanks Cate God bless you.

    1. Cate Avatar

      It’s a great show, yes, check it out!!!! You’ll totally love it!!!! After, watching it, you might want to become a veterinarian!!!! Ha ha ha ha

  4. David Avatar

    Thanks, Cate — you may have a future as a TV Reviewer in your future!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouraging comment!!!! It was great to hear from you!!!!

  5. Kasey Avatar

    Cate, we love a good show rec! I’ll have to check it out!

    1. Cate Avatar

      YA’LL will totally love it!!!! After a hard day’s work!!!! It was awesome to hear from you!!!! I LOVE YA’LL !!!!

  6. Jennifer Avatar

    Cate-for sure this was one of my favorite books. I love this series on PBS and you nailed the characters personalities. I don’t have a TV but on my computer through Amazon can get PBS for 6 bucks a month. This is just further proof you are one of my very best friends-many miles separate us but you are still such a sweet gift from the Lord!


    1. Cate Avatar

      I’m so glad you like the series!!!! The character I most identify with is Tricki Woo!!!! I like to eat and I like the good stuff!!!! Thanks for your faithful responding!!!! I love you!!!! It’s very evident that you’re growing in the Lord!!!!