• Finding Hope and a Future!

    Finding Hope and a Future!

    Happy New Year everyone!  I hope 2024 is good for each of you!  I want to share an update with you about my future plans.  I am taking a sabbatical from writing my blog to concentrate on what God may have in store for me next.  I am not sure what the year ahead holds,…

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  • Breath of Heaven

    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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  • Snow Much Fun

    Snow Much Fun

    I was born in Florida and spent lots of my childhood enjoying the sunny, warm weather and all the fun activities that go along with it.  When I was thirteen years old, we moved to Dayton, Ohio.  I was so excited; we were going to be living in a place where it snows! I was…

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  • Traditions


    Traditions.  Sometimes they are a hit, and everyone loves them, and they last for many years and generations!  Other traditions need to be adjusted with the changing and growing desires, needs, and wants of families!

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  • Blessings Flow

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!! I hope you’re like me and you have a lot to be thankful for! I would like to share a couple of things that I’m very grateful and thankful for this year.

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  • Volunteering-Part 2

    Volunteering-Part 2

    When we moved to Columbus, I was looking for a job and, as usual, I couldn’t get anyone to hire me as a real, paid employee, so can you guess what I did?

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  • Volunteering-Part 1

    A nursing home, a hospital, a library and the Red Cross… what do these places all have in common? Well, let me tell you.  They are four places I have volunteered.

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  • Giving


    When I was younger, I didn’t always agree with the saying, “It’s better to give than to receive.”  Especially around Christmas, I loved (still do) receiving presents!  As I’m growing older, however, I’m finding it to be very true! 

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  • Interview


    Hey, everyone!  I would like to introduce you to an exciting new format in my blog!  From time to time, I’ll be doing written interviews, asking various people questions on all kinds of fun topics!

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  • Beach Vacations

    Beach Vacations

    How does this sound to all of you? One week on the beach, surrounded by your family, with no work (except every day having the drudgery of lathering up with sunscreen and, may I remind you, that you need to do this on cloudy days too! The sun may hide, but its effects won’t!) and…

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  • High School

    High School

    For some, this blog will be about the best four years of our entire lives!  Sadly, for a lot of us, these four years have come and gone!  OUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS! It’s all downhill for us now folks- no more fun in life! NO, JUST KIDDING!

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  • Birthdays


    I really look forward to the one day a year when it really is all about ME… May 23, my birthday!  May I please be completely honest with you?  When it comes to birthdays, I’m one BIG KID! 

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  • Game Day

    Game Day

    Ahhh…Fridays!  We all look forward to them!

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  • It’s A Wonderful Life

    It’s A Wonderful Life

    I’m like George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

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  • Road Trips-Part 2

    Road Trips-Part 2

    The plan for our second adventure was to take two weeks to drive out to California and back!  We wanted to take a southern route this time.  This really excited me, not only were we going on an extremely long road trip- but, at the time, I was still working, and although I really loved…

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  • Road Trips-Part 1

    Road Trips-Part 1

    Can you think of just two little words, that when put together, make a captivating story?  ROAD TRIPS! 

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  • Oscar!

    In this video I share about a recent outing I enjoyed and the lead up to a practical joke that I could not resist!

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  • Carol’s Older Sister

    Carol’s Older Sister

    My Mom’s sister, to me, is sweet Aunt Carol! I am so glad she is my aunt and I am proud to have her as my guest blogger this week! She and Mom have many things in common…

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  • Happy Endings

    Happy Endings

    The director (the one that originally recommended the Columbus State program to me) at ARC South hired me on as a habilitation assistant!  I WAS SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY!  Going from being a participant to being on staff was totally awesome!

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  • Seeds

    Well, God had planted a seed for me years earlier! Remember how I told you all about the one year certificate program to become a habilitation assistant. That was my answer!

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  • ARC

    All my life there have been two jobs that have really appealed to me, being a cashier and working with computers!

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  • Sundays


    I will always associate Sundays with pot roast! That is a weird statement, isn’t it! Please let me explain!

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  • Swimming


    You’ve heard the saying, “the world is your stage.” Well, my stage was any body of water- from the smallest to the biggest- swimming pool, pond, or ocean.  I could swim even before I could walk.

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  • Adventure Calls

    What do you do when…

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  • Spring Break(out)!

    Spring Break(out)!

    Back in April of 2021, my older brother, his wife and their daughter invited me, my three sisters and my younger brother and his family to go with them to Florida for Spring Break! 

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  • Video Blog – Part II

    The last 3 videos, in Part 2 of a video blog, where Cate sits down for an interview to share her perspective on a variety of topics.

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  • Video Blog – Part I

    Three videos, in Part 1 of a video blog, where Cate sits down for an interview. The short videos present Cate’s take on a variety of topics.

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  • Anne’s Older Brother

    Anne’s Older Brother

    l have a guest blogger this week! I’m honored and proud to have this post as part of my blog!  I’m happy to introduce you to my guest blogger, my Dad’s youngest sister and my aunt, Anne! 

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  • Blog Launch Day

    (Log Blaunch Day) I will never forget the day we officially launched this blog.  It was on Sunday; January 29, 2023!  The day started out special for me from the moment I woke up!  My good friend, Charlene, told her kids about my blog and website. Charlene’s daughter wrote a response to my very first post…

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  • Cruising


    I love adventure! I’m an adventurer! I love to travel!

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    I believe there are two things that are crucial for a person to have in their life! A good church and a good home! I would like to tell you about the great church I belong to.  Ya’ll already know I have a great family and home life! 

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  • Somebody Feed Phil

    If you like food and traveling the world from the comfort of your own living room, well then, do I have a show for you!

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  • Rescue

    ISN’T IT AWESOME WHEN YOU KNOW GOD IS LOOKING OUT FOR YOU?  Well, on this particular day, God arranged it so that both of my fathers: God, himself, and Dad were watching me!

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  • Diet And Marathon Part 2

    My sister, Joyce worked with a woman who was a marathoner, and she had a group of friends who were also marathoners. When she heard about my story and all the training we’d been doing and the answer the marathon official had given Joyce, she  decided that she and all of her friends would put on…

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  • Diet And Marathon Part 1

    I AM ONE OF THE LUCKIEST PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!  I’m not trying to brag; I’m simply stating a fact!  I have a lot of AMAZING, AWESOME AND WONDERFUL PARTS OF MY LIFE!

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  • Nice People

    Nice People

    I have been the recipient of some really awesome kindness throughout the years!  My faith that there are still nice people in the world has been restored many times over!

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  • Lovely Days

    Lovely Days

    I admit that my day to day routine doesn’t sound that glamorous, but believe me after the last 2½ years that I’ve been through, it’s totally AWESOME!

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  • Crawling To Victory

    Crawling To Victory

    I like coming up with ways to do things that my CP would normally get in the way of doing! When I get determined to do something, there’s no stopping me! You know what they say, “If there’s a will there’s a way”.

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  • First Bus Ride

    I’ve always felt loved and so protected!  My Mom was a little extra-protective of me because of my CP. She was never overbearing or stifling! I could usually talk her into what I wanted to do.

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  • All Creatures

    Are you looking for something awesome and wholesome to watch on TV?   Let’s face it, on today’s TV, the pickings that fit in that category are slim to none!  Well, I’ve got good news for you!  My sisters and I found this show on PBS, “All Creatures Great and Small“ and WE LOVE IT!

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  • More Thoughts On Heaven

    The way things are going these days, it makes me think more and more about heaven! I can’t wait!

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  • Buddy Ball

    Buddy Ball

    I want to tell you about an organization that has made it possible for me to play competitive sports!

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  • Work Life

    Work Life

    Being disabled, it really made me wonder if people took my resume seriously or if the moment I left, they wadded up my resume and played wastepaper basketball?

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  • Good ‘Ole Dad

    Good ‘Ole Dad

    I’m not bragging; I’m simply stating the truth.  When it comes to fathers… I WON THE GOLDEN TICKET!!!!  I’m the real life “Charlie Bucket”.

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  • Driving


    Like every sixteen-year-old I wanted to be able to say, “Hey Dad, may I please borrow the keys to the car?”.

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  • Mom Sweet Mom

    Mom Sweet Mom

    Mom, one of the sweetest words there is! On August 11, 1932; God, in my opinion, made one of his greatest creations and masterpieces! A little, precious and sweet girl named Shirley!

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  • Jeremiah 29:11

    Jeremiah 29:11

    I love this verse! It is my life verse!

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  • How We Got Here

    How We Got Here

    Are you an adventurer? Do you like adventures that take you all over and take you through every emotion you can think of? Well, fasten your seatbelt and pour yourself a good cup of coffee!

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