Category: Community

  • Finding Hope and a Future!

    Finding Hope and a Future!

    Happy New Year everyone!  I hope 2024 is good for each of you!  I want to share an update with you about my future plans.  I am taking a sabbatical from writing my blog to concentrate on what God may have in store for me next.  I am not sure what the year ahead holds,…

  • Breath of Heaven

    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • Volunteering-Part 2

    Volunteering-Part 2

    When we moved to Columbus, I was looking for a job and, as usual, I couldn’t get anyone to hire me as a real, paid employee, so can you guess what I did?

  • Game Day

    Game Day

    Ahhh…Fridays!  We all look forward to them!

  • Video Blog – Part I

    Three videos, in Part 1 of a video blog, where Cate sits down for an interview. The short videos present Cate’s take on a variety of topics.

  • Blog Launch Day

    (Log Blaunch Day) I will never forget the day we officially launched this blog.  It was on Sunday; January 29, 2023!  The day started out special for me from the moment I woke up!  My good friend, Charlene, told her kids about my blog and website. Charlene’s daughter wrote a response to my very first post…


    I believe there are two things that are crucial for a person to have in their life! A good church and a good home! I would like to tell you about the great church I belong to.  Ya’ll already know I have a great family and home life! 

  • Diet And Marathon Part 2

    My sister, Joyce worked with a woman who was a marathoner, and she had a group of friends who were also marathoners. When she heard about my story and all the training we’d been doing and the answer the marathon official had given Joyce, she  decided that she and all of her friends would put on…

  • Diet And Marathon Part 1

    I AM ONE OF THE LUCKIEST PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!  I’m not trying to brag; I’m simply stating a fact!  I have a lot of AMAZING, AWESOME AND WONDERFUL PARTS OF MY LIFE!

  • Nice People

    Nice People

    I have been the recipient of some really awesome kindness throughout the years!  My faith that there are still nice people in the world has been restored many times over!