Category: Family

  • Snow Much Fun

    Snow Much Fun

    I was born in Florida and spent lots of my childhood enjoying the sunny, warm weather and all the fun activities that go along with it.  When I was thirteen years old, we moved to Dayton, Ohio.  I was so excited; we were going to be living in a place where it snows! I was…

  • Traditions


    Traditions.  Sometimes they are a hit, and everyone loves them, and they last for many years and generations!  Other traditions need to be adjusted with the changing and growing desires, needs, and wants of families!

  • Blessings Flow

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!! I hope you’re like me and you have a lot to be thankful for! I would like to share a couple of things that I’m very grateful and thankful for this year.

  • Beach Vacations

    Beach Vacations

    How does this sound to all of you? One week on the beach, surrounded by your family, with no work (except every day having the drudgery of lathering up with sunscreen and, may I remind you, that you need to do this on cloudy days too! The sun may hide, but its effects won’t!) and…

  • Birthdays


    I really look forward to the one day a year when it really is all about ME… May 23, my birthday!  May I please be completely honest with you?  When it comes to birthdays, I’m one BIG KID! 

  • Road Trips-Part 2

    Road Trips-Part 2

    The plan for our second adventure was to take two weeks to drive out to California and back!  We wanted to take a southern route this time.  This really excited me, not only were we going on an extremely long road trip- but, at the time, I was still working, and although I really loved…

  • Road Trips-Part 1

    Road Trips-Part 1

    Can you think of just two little words, that when put together, make a captivating story?  ROAD TRIPS! 

  • Sundays


    I will always associate Sundays with pot roast! That is a weird statement, isn’t it! Please let me explain!

  • Spring Break(out)!

    Spring Break(out)!

    Back in April of 2021, my older brother, his wife and their daughter invited me, my three sisters and my younger brother and his family to go with them to Florida for Spring Break! 

  • Video Blog – Part II

    The last 3 videos, in Part 2 of a video blog, where Cate sits down for an interview to share her perspective on a variety of topics.