Category: Family

  • Rescue

    ISN’T IT AWESOME WHEN YOU KNOW GOD IS LOOKING OUT FOR YOU?  Well, on this particular day, God arranged it so that both of my fathers: God, himself, and Dad were watching me!

  • Diet And Marathon Part 2

    My sister, Joyce worked with a woman who was a marathoner, and she had a group of friends who were also marathoners. When she heard about my story and all the training we’d been doing and the answer the marathon official had given Joyce, she  decided that she and all of her friends would put on…

  • Diet And Marathon Part 1

    I AM ONE OF THE LUCKIEST PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!  I’m not trying to brag; I’m simply stating a fact!  I have a lot of AMAZING, AWESOME AND WONDERFUL PARTS OF MY LIFE!

  • Lovely Days

    Lovely Days

    I admit that my day to day routine doesn’t sound that glamorous, but believe me after the last 2½ years that I’ve been through, it’s totally AWESOME!

  • Good ‘Ole Dad

    Good ‘Ole Dad

    I’m not bragging; I’m simply stating the truth.  When it comes to fathers… I WON THE GOLDEN TICKET!!!!  I’m the real life “Charlie Bucket”.

  • Mom Sweet Mom

    Mom Sweet Mom

    Mom, one of the sweetest words there is! On August 11, 1932; God, in my opinion, made one of his greatest creations and masterpieces! A little, precious and sweet girl named Shirley!