Category: Humor

  • Volunteering-Part 1

    A nursing home, a hospital, a library and the Red Cross… what do these places all have in common? Well, let me tell you.  They are four places I have volunteered.

  • Birthdays


    I really look forward to the one day a year when it really is all about ME… May 23, my birthday!  May I please be completely honest with you?  When it comes to birthdays, I’m one BIG KID! 

  • Oscar!

    In this video I share about a recent outing I enjoyed and the lead up to a practical joke that I could not resist!

  • Adventure Calls

    What do you do when…

  • Spring Break(out)!

    Spring Break(out)!

    Back in April of 2021, my older brother, his wife and their daughter invited me, my three sisters and my younger brother and his family to go with them to Florida for Spring Break! 

  • Video Blog – Part II

    The last 3 videos, in Part 2 of a video blog, where Cate sits down for an interview to share her perspective on a variety of topics.

  • Diet And Marathon Part 2

    My sister, Joyce worked with a woman who was a marathoner, and she had a group of friends who were also marathoners. When she heard about my story and all the training we’d been doing and the answer the marathon official had given Joyce, she  decided that she and all of her friends would put on…

  • Diet And Marathon Part 1

    I AM ONE OF THE LUCKIEST PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!  I’m not trying to brag; I’m simply stating a fact!  I have a lot of AMAZING, AWESOME AND WONDERFUL PARTS OF MY LIFE!

  • First Bus Ride

    I’ve always felt loved and so protected!  My Mom was a little extra-protective of me because of my CP. She was never overbearing or stifling! I could usually talk her into what I wanted to do.

  • Work Life

    Work Life

    Being disabled, it really made me wonder if people took my resume seriously or if the moment I left, they wadded up my resume and played wastepaper basketball?