Category: Living with OCD/CP

  • Volunteering-Part 1

    A nursing home, a hospital, a library and the Red Cross… what do these places all have in common? Well, let me tell you.  They are four places I have volunteered.

  • High School

    High School

    For some, this blog will be about the best four years of our entire lives!  Sadly, for a lot of us, these four years have come and gone!  OUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS! It’s all downhill for us now folks- no more fun in life! NO, JUST KIDDING!

  • It’s A Wonderful Life

    It’s A Wonderful Life

    I’m like George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

  • Happy Endings

    Happy Endings

    The director (the one that originally recommended the Columbus State program to me) at ARC South hired me on as a habilitation assistant!  I WAS SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY!  Going from being a participant to being on staff was totally awesome!

  • Seeds

    Well, God had planted a seed for me years earlier! Remember how I told you all about the one year certificate program to become a habilitation assistant. That was my answer!

  • ARC

    All my life there have been two jobs that have really appealed to me, being a cashier and working with computers!

  • Swimming


    You’ve heard the saying, “the world is your stage.” Well, my stage was any body of water- from the smallest to the biggest- swimming pool, pond, or ocean.  I could swim even before I could walk.

  • Video Blog – Part I

    Three videos, in Part 1 of a video blog, where Cate sits down for an interview. The short videos present Cate’s take on a variety of topics.

  • Crawling To Victory

    Crawling To Victory

    I like coming up with ways to do things that my CP would normally get in the way of doing! When I get determined to do something, there’s no stopping me! You know what they say, “If there’s a will there’s a way”.

  • First Bus Ride

    I’ve always felt loved and so protected!  My Mom was a little extra-protective of me because of my CP. She was never overbearing or stifling! I could usually talk her into what I wanted to do.