Crawling To Victory

I like coming up with ways to do things that my CP would normally get in the way of doing! When I get determined to do something, there’s no stopping me! You know what they say, “If there’s a will there’s a way”. Let me give you a few examples.

One day Mom and I were home alone with Clifford, our Golden Retriever.  He was staked out in the backyard taking care of some personal business and enjoying some fresh air.  Eventually, he started barking to come in.  I felt myself rising to the challenge.  I told Mom, “I’ll bring Clifford in!” I don’t remember her exact words, but I can imagine something along these lines… (she always said these things out of a heart pure of love and protecting never demanding or stifling!) “Cate, Honey wait till the girls come home and they can bring Clifford in! He’ll pull you right over!”

I didn’t want to admit that those were my thoughts exactly!  But I was determined and I had a plan! I know what you’re thinking!  “Oh, boy, here we go again! Cate’s poor mom.  What’s Cate up to now?” Well, sometimes I had to take matters into my own hands and show Mom that I could really do it!  I knew Mom’s concern was justified because although I was still able to walk at this point, I wasn’t exactly steady as she goes! But the point of the matter is that I had a plan and I was sure that it wasn’t going to fail!  I got Clifford’s leash in my hot little hand and project “Bring Clifford In” was underway! 

I walked out to where Clifford was staked and on went his leash.  Now, here’s where the strategic planning on my part comes in! I was going to beat Clifford before he beat me! I put the loop around my wrist and proceeded to go down on my hands and knees. While Clifford came in on all four paws, I came in on my hands and knees. Thus producing another great moment for Allen Funt to pop up and say, “Smile, you’re on Candid Camera!”

I’m happy to report that my plan did in fact work.  If Clifford was still around today and he could talk, I’m sure he’d agree with me, that we did some major bonding that day! 

Another area I like to challenge myself in is artwork.  I love coloring; the more intricate the better!  I love showing CP that I can master it and stay in the lines!  If necessary, I’ll use the dot method!  The dot method is simply filling in an area with dots of color rather than using strokes.  I’ve spent a whole afternoon using the dot method on one picture!  To me, it doesn’t matter how long it takes, all that matters is making it look like someone without CP did it and did it professionally!  I also like doing cross stitch and something called Diamond Art!  Believe me, every stitch has to be on the printed X and in Diamond Art, every diamond must be on their designated spot!

I’ll admit and be totally honest with you there are days when I feel sorry for myself; but, then there are days that I’m up to the challenge and I want to show CP who’s boss- I AM! We all have hardships to overcome! I challenge and invite you, along with me, to become creative in finding ways to overcome obstacles and allowing yourself to laugh along the way! Life is too short to be serious all the time.  I mean me and Clifford crawling in side by side on all fours, hilarious!  But it worked and not only did I overcome I had fun along the way and created a memory.  Go ahead, I give you permission to laugh!

 I have a list of reasons for my theory…. 

  1.  You will have the proud feeling of triumphing over your handicap/difficulty.                        
  2. You will discover that humor is often the best medicine for what ails you or stands in your way.
  3. You’ll have fun being creative and coming up with ways to conquer the challenge. 
  4. Finally, this is one of the most important reasons….IF YOU EVER HAVE YOUR OWN BLOG IT WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING FUNNY TO WRITE ABOUT! 

I still have a lot of learning to do, so if you want to tell me some ways you have overcome some of your challenges, I’d love to hear from you!  Remember, it’s okay if you have to crawl along at times or if it feels like nothing is happening.  I know for a fact that lots of painstaking dots can turn into a masterpiece in the end!

In closing, I’d like to say two things!  Happy creating and overcoming! 






20 responses to “Crawling To Victory”

  1. Jan Avatar

    Oh, my brilliant and hilarious friend…what a gift from God you are. Thanks for the inspiration and truth, all wrapped up in laughter and joy.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks I really needed your encouragement today!!!! You too are a gift from God!!!! Thanks so much for all your love and support!!!!

  2. Vince Avatar

    Hey Cate! It was a pleasure to read your article this week. I think you touch on some great points about overcoming life’s obstacles while keeping a positive and fun outlook on life. I feel that is something that you do uniquely well, and I really like how you showcase your incredible talents through your blog articles. Thanks again for adding this article to your blog and I can’t wait for the next one!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for responding again!!!! This just shows and proves what an AWESOME and WONDERFUL service coordinator you are!!!! You take interest in your client’s lives even when it involves taking time out of your very busy schedule!!!! I thought after my last service coordinator I would never have another one as good as she was but, I was completely wrong!!!! Another Service Coordinator came along named VINCE!!!!

  3. Janet Avatar

    Enjoyed on all fours with Clifford. I wish I could have been there to cheer you on.
    Blessings and He Is Risen!

    1. Cate Avatar

      He is risen indeed!!! Thanks for faithfully reading and responding!!!!

  4. Kelly Avatar

    Love your statement: “lots of painstaking dots can turn into a masterpiece in the end!” What a great way for all of us to approach life.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for responding!!!! It’s really great to hear from you!!!! I have an analogy just for you from me!!!! Going to school everyday are the dots, after you have gone to school (to get enough dots) you get the LOVELY MASTERPIECE of a summer vacation!!!!

  5. Duane Avatar

    Great story Cateybug, I can hardly wait each week for another journey with you! Your blog just keeps getting better and better. I had a dog when I was in school his name was Mut he was the best buddy anyone would want. Keep up the good work sister God bless you!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks again for your faithful response!!!! I’m glad you had Mut who was the best buddy anyone would want!!!!

  6. Paul Avatar

    Loved the story Cate, but where is the video Allen Funt shot of you and Clifford on all fours coming back to the house?

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your response!!!! Oh no, I must have accidentally recorded over it!!!!

  7. Monica Avatar

    Haha! Cate-this is fantastic!! I love your storytelling and your message. More importantly, you gave your readers a call to action!
    Here’s one of my MANY stories about overcoming a challenge.
    About 10 years ago out here in Oregon, two of my friends suggested we ride our bikes around the rim of Crater Lake. I had no idea what this really meant (in hindsight, if I had, I probably would’ve chickened out), but it sounded like a great adventure. However, I didn’t own a bike at the time, so I went online and ordered one and had it shipped to my house. It arrived in about a hundred pieces (or so it felt). Never one to admit defeat or shy away from my independent nature, I got right to work putting it all together. I don’t remember how long it took, but I’m sure you can imagine. I finally finished and I was so proud!! I was even able to ride it down the street with nothing falling off. I was set!! The day of the Crater Lake ride came and I showed up with my new bike, panniers (saddlebags) stuffed with lunch and snacks, and a helmet shaped like a bowling ball. I was ready to ride! My friend commented on my new bike and when I proudly announced that I assembled it myself, she looked worried and asked if I’d had it checked out at a bike shop just to make sure. Nope, I sure didn’t. Off we went. Wow! Right off the bat, we hit a super steep hill and I was definitely not prepared. Very quickly, I learned that my lowest gears were not working and that this was only one of many hills where I’d need those non-working gears. I was also carrying too much weight on my bike for this ride and was not wearing aerodynamic clothes or helmet, which would have been super helpful. I watched “pro” bikers whiz past me and one even tried to stop and help me with my dysfunctional bike. I was so embarrassed 😳 About 25 miles into this 33 mile torture, I flung my bike down on the side of the road and declared I was done! I was NOT pedaling another inch. My two friends tried to console and encourage me and at one point even switched bikes with me for a few miles prior, but they finally gave up and left me standing and fuming to go get the car. After they left, I imagined all the stories being told in the staff room at work the next week since we all worked in the same school, and I didn’t want the story to be that everyone finished this monumental ride except me. I finally sucked it up, got back on the bike and found my friends just as they were about to pull out of the parking lot to come rescue me. I made it!!!
    We’ve been on many rides since then and I now have a new bike that has most definitely been checked over at the bike shop!
    Thanks for sharing your wisdom and your humor and challenging us as well 💕 Keep it up!

    1. Cate Avatar

      I’m so proud of you for finishing the the bike ride and for putting the bike together all by yourself!!!! It’s been fun hearing from you!!!! Thanks for subscribing!!!!

  8. Ron Avatar

    Cate, Thanks for the reminder about life being too short to be serious all the time…so true!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, Ron, for responding!!!! Laughter sure can be good medicine!!!!

  9. Renee Avatar

    Do you get tired of hearing how inspirational you are??!! Sometime show us some of that art work!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your kind words!!!!

  10. Mandy Avatar

    I loved it. I can see you and Clifford on all 4s. You are good to talk about humor. The English playwrites often combine very serious subjects with humor. Your Ucle Art and I saw two very funny English farces on stage in London. We used to stand in line in Picadilly square and get 2fers to see these plays when he was in London on business. In those halcion years I was invited by the company to be present at the dinners. Anyway one play was about a housewife’s revolution in a supermarket. Serious subject matter but it was hiliariously funny. The second play was about the Arabians taking over London by buying realestate. Again, very serious subject matter, but funny and we laughed so hard. This technique must be hard to do and in this blog you did it so successfully. You made me laugh but you made your point about CP and your generosity of spirit hit a home run.
    I so look forward to your writtings.
    Aunt Mandy

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for the awesome and lovely comments!!!! I will never forget that letter you wrote me just before I officially started my blog!!!! Thanks for your encouragement and love and support!!!!