Diet And Marathon Part 1

I AM ONE OF THE LUCKIEST PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!  I’m not trying to brag; I’m simply stating a fact!  I have a lot of AMAZING, AWESOME AND WONDERFUL PARTS OF MY LIFE!  I HAVE AN AMAZING, AWESOME  AND WONDERFUL…. God, family, friends, and life! Just to name a few! 

All my life I have had a weight problem.  I love food and I love to eat!  Unfortunately, even with my CP, eating is one thing that I can do, and I do it well! Ha ha ha ha.

Many years ago, I moved in with three of my sisters.  The house was relatively small, and we were considering some ways we could remodel to make it easier for me to move around.  Seeing how difficult it was for me to get around, one of my sisters, very lovingly, talked to me about losing weight.  She encouraged me to remodel myself instead of the house!  I admit I had an extreme weight problem!  I believe in being completely honest; I probably would not be here today if my sister hadn’t  intervened! I already had major breathing problems every time I walked!

The plan was to lose 250 pounds!  When I completed my goal, my family was going to take me on a trip to Hawaii! To help keep me motivated along the way, for every 50 pounds I lost, they threw me a celebration! My family told me they wanted me around a while longer (BOY, AM I GLAD!) and they were doing everything in their power to help me succeed!

For my first 50 pounds, they rented a limo for me and let me ride all around picking up people for an unknown destination.  We finally ended up at the Spaghetti Warehouse for a celebration with family and friends.  For my second 50 pounds, they threw me an open house, at Mom and Dad’s on the farm.  For my third 50 pounds, they blindfolded me and took me to Fort Rapids (indoor water park)! It was very fun!  I could actually walk up the stairs to go down the slide!  I fell in love with a slide I called the toilet bowl.  I kept doing that slide all night.  We spent the night at the lodge and got to go back to the water park in the morning.   

I wanted to lose weight but dieting and exercise has always been very difficult for me.  Here it comes, more honesty! Ready or not!  It was hard learning to eat for one person instead of two!  I felt like I was in boot camp.  I’m a drama queen!  Whenever I asked my sister, who was “coaching” me on my diet, if I could eat something, she would sweetly say,  “I wouldn’t!”  I wasn’t exactly easy to work with! I affectionately came to call her Sarge!

I started trying to walk for exercise, but I could only walk about 50 steps before I would be totally exhausted and out of breath! All three of my sisters would help me walk on the weekends.  It took all three sisters- two, to hold my arms and hands and one to follow with my scooter, so the minute I was done, I could collapse!  Then, I would usually take off on my scooter and go do errands and shopping!

After a  couple of weeks, we decided that I wasn’t physically up to walking yet, so my form of exercise became biking!  I have a three wheeled bike.  I don’t ride it anymore due to my physical condition.  I wish I still could!  One day I hope I can give it a try again!  After work, I would take off on my bike for hours.  I would ride all around Grove City.  Through all the neighborhoods. I had so much fun! I’d be biking for hours! One day, Mom came to my rescue in the pouring rain!  My sister, Joyce, would run beside me sometimes.  Occasionally, we would wake up early and go before work!  How I ever made it up to do it, I’ll never know!  It contains two concepts that are really foreign to me, and they really don’t even belong in the same sentence, I can’t even type them… ex exer exercise and mo morn morning… there I’ve typed them! ha ha ha ha.  Once I did get up and do it, I loved the feeling of ahhhhhhh, my exercise is over for the day and after work, I can come home and take a big NAP!  YAY!!!! 

My sister and I wanted something to help keep us motivated to exercise! So, we decided to train for the Columbus Marathon in October! I would ride my bike and my sister and brother, Bill, would run alongside me.

Joyce got us the official training schedule and we stuck to it the best we could. Somedays the training would be light, say four miles and some days the training was heavy, ten miles, and everywhere in between! My sister and I were faithful and stuck to the schedule! We trained side by side down in the basement.  Joyce was on a treadmill, and I would be on a stationary bike. We would have our music going. Joyce was the strong one and would power through and get the job done! I, on the other hand, had my good days and my bad days.  I would cry and complain (remember, I told you I am a drama queen. I’m not bragging when I say this, it’s the SAD TRUTH- I could win an Emmy! I can hear Richard Gere saying, “And the Emmy for best leading actress in her role as a drama queen goes to Cate!”.  I remember spending all Saturday afternoon, down in the basement exercising! On those days, you would’ve really seen why I won that Emmy!)

Then, the time came to check with the marathon officials to make sure our plan would work!  We were told no; it would not be safe for the runners!  We were very disappointed; all our training for NOTHING! But wait, this real-life story has a fairy tale ending…

Stop back by next Saturday to read how it all turned out!

Check out photos of my training journey!



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19 responses to “Diet And Marathon Part 1”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    Hi Cate. I appreciate your honest and humorous blog. The pictures of the weight loss are amazing. You really accomplished a herculean task and that didn’t just happen, it took blood, sweat and tears, and you wrote about all of that. You gave credit to your sisters and brother too.
    Am eager to read about the marathon.
    Photos add so much. Had such fun looking at Cate on that Rube Goldberg contraption your neighbor masterminded. What a way to go through the pick up line.(from the last blog )
    Great reading
    Aunt Mandy

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks ❤️

  2. Vince Avatar

    Nice cliffhanger, Cate! You have all of us anxiously awaiting for next week’s blog entry! I love it.

    I love reading your blogs because I learn so much more about you. I never knew you underwent a weight loss journey of that magnitude. You should be very proud of this accomplishment and know that you have the strength to do whatever you put your mind to.

    Can’t wait to read how the weight loss journey concludes and what came of the marathon!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for the kind words!!!! Yea, I bet you’re learning more about me than you ever wanted to know!!!! Do you want to know something about me no one knows? I have a black belt in karate!!!! No, just kidding!!!! I just wanted to put a little humor in your day!!!! Actually, if I ever had taken karate, all I would’ve gotten would be the blue belt, cause they would’ve had to call “code blue” my very first lesson!!!!

  3. Stephen Avatar

    Anyone who has the will power to combine the two words “ex exer exercise and mo morn morning” has indeed truly earned my respect.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, but I have to be totally honest with you, I haven’t combined those two words since the marathon and I probably never will AGAIN!!!! So don’t be too quick to give me your respect!!!! There’s another combination of words that I like quite well… one and done!!!!!

  4. Diane Avatar

    This time I am on a diet (and I expect a party for every 50 pound loss😂). So when we meet for lunch from now on, we’ll have to find a healthy place. You’re an inspiration, my friend.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your sweet comments!!!! Do you like water parks too!!!! For one of your 50 pound parties I’ll drive you down to Cincinnati on my mobie. You can sit in my basket!!!! We’ll go to Great Wolf Lodge (indoor water park). We’ll do two parties together… after Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at Great Wolf Lodge, Saturday and Sunday of that same week we’ll spend the weekend at Kings Island!!!! Then, I’ll reserve a room for both us at Mount Carmel!!!! Sound FUN?

      1. Diane Avatar

        I’m going to have to lose more than 50 pounds to fit in your basket😂

  5. Ladd Avatar

    Great story Cate I have had weight problems my self all my life too. It’s not fun I know but oh well. Can’t wait for next week blog keep up the great work sister God bless you!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks Ladd!!!! I really appreciate you!!!! You’re so encouraging and supportive of me week after week!!!! You’re really ministering to me!!!!

  6. Nancy Avatar

    You bring every scene to life with such a great sense of humor, describing all the hours of hard work that led to this tremendous accomplishment. I’m cheering you on and looking forward to next week’s “fairy tale ending” with love and a big hug!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for all your encouragement and enthusiasm you have shown me in regards to my blog!!!! Joyce and I are looking forward to seeing you and getting reacquainted with you next weekend!!!! It will be a really fun weekend!!!!

  7. Jan Avatar

    You’re a hoot. And an inspiration. Like an “InspiHoot.” Kind of like an InstaPot for the soul, always cooking up good things for us to “chew” on. Thanks!
    Hope to see you in the morning…

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks,Jan, you’re AWESOME!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! See you tomorrow!!!!

  8. Anne Avatar

    What a story! What a battle you won. I’m not happy that you weren’t allowed to do the marathon- after training so hard. I love that you write with such good natured humor. I love you!!!❤️

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, don’t be discouraged for me yet!!!! The best is yet to come!!!! Tune in next week to the continuing saga of Diet and Marathon!!!!

  9. Bonnie Avatar

    Omg! I’m right there with you, on the struggle with diet and exercise. Your story was so entertaining and honest. Thank you!!!!! Cate you have an amazing team & are very blessed 🙌
    I can’t wait for your next jouney

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks ❤️