Diet And Marathon Part 2

Make sure to check out Diet and Marathon Part 1 if you missed it!

My sister Joyce worked with a woman who was a marathoner, and she had a group of friends who were also marathoners. When she heard about my story and all the training we’d been doing and the answer the marathon official had given Joyce, she decided that she and all of her friends would put on a private marathon for me and my family!

On October 9th, the Sunday before the official 2005 Columbus Marathon, a group of elite runners ran the official marathon course with me while I biked.  The runners would rotate in and out at different distances, using my marathon as one of their last training runs, before they would run the full marathon the following weekend.

IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME! Everything was so official!  We met at 6:00 a.m. (Which in itself was a miracle- I was getting up at 6:00 to do what?  Not leave on vacation, but to go BIKE FOR MAYBE HALF THE DAY, MAYBE THE WHOLE DAY, OR AT LEAST THE NEXT SEVERAL HOURS!  WAS I TOTALLY OUT OF MY MIND?)  No, actually it wasn’t that bad!  The long-awaited day that I had trained for was finally here!  A friend, who was good videographer, came over from Dayton to cheer me on and to video the big event.  I felt like a superstar!

We all met downtown at the crack of dawn.  Unknown to me, there was a marathon official who led us in the National Anthem and said a prayer! It was all very AWESOME and OFFICIAL!  After the prayer, we were off!  My sister, brother and I were biking, and several marathoners were running alongside.  While we were doing stretches of the marathon course,  members of my family were busy making encouraging signs! At certain points along the course, my family would show up holding their signs and cheering me on!  I remember one time; my family and friends were all in a line and as I rode by, I gave them all high fives!  I was told that there was only one hill, but I remember there being more than one hill! The marathoners had arranged it so that some of the strongest of them would be with me on the hilliest parts so that if I needed help getting up them, they could help give me a little push!

The final stretch to the finish line had a downward hill.  I broke away from the rest of the crowd and came racing toward the finish line and VICTORY! There I was met by family and friends! Another marathon official was there and presented me with an official marathon medal! The marathon official told us that the Chicago marathon was going on at the very same time! I will never forget; I was making my little speech to thank everyone, and I said, “This is the kind of thing you hear about in fairy tales!”.  The AWESOME AND SWEET LADY that put this whole thing on for me said, “Not anymore!“  This was real life!

We had a group picture taken. Then, it was home for lunch and a nap (at least for me anyway!) I did take a nap! Then my good friend took me out for a celebration/victory dinner!  The whole day was magical! I invite you to “DARE TO DREAM!” Remember, WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

After the marathon, I eventually lost enough weight so that I was able to change my exercise routine from biking to walking.  I would walk to Starbucks every day and my reward for doing my daily walk would be a nice, big cup of iced coffee!  It took me a long time to do those walks.  I’d sit down and take lots of rest breaks, my walker had a seat on it.  Boy, after a long walk, a cup of iced coffee tasted really good!

Around the 200lb. mark, my family decided to go on our big celebration trip a little early while my parents were still up for traveling.  We ended up going to the Bahamas.  I remember having hours of fun snorkeling with my brother and sister (even though my mask would constantly fill up with water).  IT WAS AN AWESOME, MEMORABLE AND WONDERFUL TRIP ALL AROUND!

Today, I still have trouble with my weight.  I’ve put on a few pounds and, as you know, it is no longer possible for me to walk.  I think I learned some healthy habits during that time in my life that have remained, despite the ongoing battle with the scale.  And fortunately, all of the experiences, memories, love, devotion and support I received can never be lost! 

Enjoy the fairy tale ending of my Diet and Marathon journey!



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16 responses to “Diet And Marathon Part 2”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    Loved reading about the Marathon – it did happen. I have retold this story to my daughter, Margie and will retell it many times. Its a good one.
    I remember the last blog with the rewards for weight loss. You wrote that you lost so much weight you could climb the ladder at the water slide and could slide down the “toilet bowl”. Your description made me laugh and I remember that at that point I thought of you as not having CP. That reward clearly meant a lot to you.
    The video with the music from Chariots of Fire in the background is wonderful. Starting in the dark and ending in sunlight with flowers in your arms and a medal placed around your neck by the Director of the Columbus Marathon. Marathon good will made this happen and your intense training made it happen.. You were strong enough to do the hills with your sister and brother with you on their bikes and the rest of the family curbside cheering. What a wonderful story. I loved reading your words.
    Aunt Mandy

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks as always for your encouraging and sweet comments!!!! Joyce and I are really looking forward to our visit with you!!!! It will be so fun to be with you in person!!!! It will be fun to see your world!!!!

  2. Jan Avatar

    You made me cry. Then I showed it to Bill and you made him cry! What a glorious, faithfilled life you have lived Cate. You truly give evidence to the truth that following after Christ, no matter our circumstances, is an adventure and anything is possible with Him. Well done my friend-not just the writing (which is very well done) but the life lived…well done indeed.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks so very much for your encouraging and sweet comments!!!! I’m so sorry I made you and Bill cry!!!! Jan, I appreciate you more and more!!!! (Bill too!!!!) You are a blessing to me and our whole church!!!! I’m so glad you’re one of my pastors!!!! I LOVE YOU AND BILL SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!

  3. Vince Avatar

    Wow, these last couple of blog posts have been inspiring. I loved reading them because it felt like we were with you on your journey to lose weight and complete the marathon. I love how you didn’t take no for an answer, and with the love and support from your family, you were able to complete the marathon against all of the odds. It seems like time and time again in your life, the odds are stacked against you and you find a way to overcome.

    Keep up the great work and keep inspiring us readers!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouraging comments!!!! If you ever need/want a career change ( BUT I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT!!!!) You have the makings for a good writer yourself!!!! I could say “hey, he used to be my service coordinator before he became the top selling author!!!!
      Remember, me, when you get rich and famous!!!! May I please have one of the first copies of your book?

  4. Diane Avatar

    That was incredible!! How did I miss that? Do it again so I can be there😂

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for the sweet comment!!!! You will be there because the next one I do will be in Heaven!!!! You’ll be running right beside me!!!! After the marathon, we’ll be tiptoeing through the tulips!!!!

  5. Connie Avatar

    Oh how awesome this blog was!! I enjoyed this so much and at times I was laughing, crying and even cheering you on! To see your family support you and the smile on their faces, WOW! I cannot say enough wonderful things on your Marathon! Thank you for sharing this!!!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Ladd Avatar

    Well Catey this was so fun to read and see the video at the end. And to see your mom and dad and your sisters was awesome!! You looked like you were having so much fun God bless you sister can’t wait for next week love you.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Always faithful to support me and my blog!!!! Thanks so much!!!!

  7. Janet Avatar

    Oh, Cate, this was worth hanging from the cliff for a week (although my fingers and hands are quite sore), but what a delightful post. And the video was so inspiring and to see you and your mom and dad, brought tears to my eyes. Trust you and Joyce are having a blest weekend with family in PA.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, Janet for your support!!!! Send me your doctor’s bill and I’ll pay for the treatment of your fingers and hands!!!! It only seems fitting since I made you hang from that cliff so long!!!! I know a sport that would be easier for you!!!! I will go with you!!!! Can you guess what I’m thinking of? SNIPE HUNTING!!!!

  8. Michael Avatar

    Wow!!! One of the top ten motivational posts/videos I’ve seen.

    Any big goals for 2023?

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks! YOU’RE TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!