
I’ve tried them all… three-wheel bikes, lawn mowers, and I even attempted to drive a car. One of my earliest memories is related to driving. One morning, my sister and I were going to the grocery store.  My sister had to get out to move a bike that was in the way.  While she was out, the car started rolling back. No problem, I’ll be the hero of the day!  All I had to do was reach over and put on the brake.  No problem, right?  Well, I had one big problem!!!!  I had two choices of pedals- gas and the brake.  I’ll give you one guess to decide which pedal I chose! You’re absolutely right! THE GAS, OH YEAH!  On my way to press the pedal, I also accidentally knocked the gear shift.  The car took off backward, swerving around the basketball pole, into my neighbor’s yard and finally creamed into his car! I was crying and screaming!  Hold on to your hats; we’re not done yet!  My neighbor just happened to be out working on his car! Praise God, other than being emotionally shaken, no one was seriously hurt! I don’t recommend doing this if you want to stay on good terms with your neighbors!

Like every sixteen-year-old I wanted to be able to say, “Hey Dad, may I please borrow the keys to the car?”.   My parents were willing for me to try my hand at  driving.   After several mishaps on a three-wheel bike and turning the riding lawn mower into the house, we determined my physical handicap, as well as my OCD, made it difficult to maneuver a car; it became apparent, it would be better for me (and all of you) if I got used to being chauffeured! So now ask me, do I drive?  No- and every resident of Columbus and within a five-hundred-mile radius can be grateful!  Just ask people who know me, I have one speed . . . slow! Why can’t we be stopped at a red light five extra minutes?  More time to sit and drink your coffee! Why can’t the highest highway speed be 35 mph? Roll down your window, enjoy the scenery and smell the roses!

I did have the enjoyment of taking Driver’s Ed! I remember, one afternoon, to my delight and Mom’s great dismay, the instructor and I went to pick up Mom so that she could have the pleasure of being the passenger (victim lol) of my driving!  I thought nothing of it and was just happy to have Mom on board. Mom, on the other hand was hanging on for dear life! Wouldn’t you know the instructor directs me to drive on the one road in Centerville, Ohio that has a million curves!  The instructor kept looking back and talking to Mom.  When we got home safe and sound, Mom admitted to me that she kept thinking, “Will you please turn around and pay attention to my daughter!”.  I will never forget that day!  I can’t wait to drive my mom in a car in heaven!  I don’t think she would be up for a ride on a motorcycle, especially with me driving!

I really did miss driving!  It was hard not being able to take myself wherever I wanted to go. It is not fun always having to rely on other people for rides! Believe me, I have had the pleasure (?!) of having all kinds of drivers!  Some have been good and some bad!  Some of them felt it was ok for me to have to wait on them but oh, boy, you better not make them wait on you!  One day, a driver was late picking me up for work.  I called and asked where he was, and they told me the car had broken down. Well, wouldn’t you think I would like to know?  It’s only my job you’re taking me to!  Fortunately, my employers knew that I was relying on other drivers to bring me to work!  The drivers would wait until it was time to pick me up and then they would call to tell me that they were going to be late!  No really? Say it isn’t so! I had one driver who wanted me to leave work 10 minutes early to make sure I was ready for him.  By all means don’t make him late for his schedule but it was OK to make me leave my job early.  Honesty is very important to me, and I could not do that!  My quitting time was 2:00 o’clock and I was going to stay until 2:00 o’clock.  He was providing a service to me; I was his client.  

Now, I rely on a scooter! My scooter allows me to spend a day shopping, eating out, going to movies, etc.  I love it!  I have had many days out on my scooter enjoying all those things. I have a friend who has an electric wheelchair; we have spent many fun days together. We like to take the bus.  The bus is equipped with a lift, and we can drive our chairs right up, into the bus.  It is not easy to drive a scooter onto a bus and park. You have the patience, or impatience, of the bus driver to deal with.  I do better when I can ride the bus with my friend.  She can calm me down when the drivers get impatient.

Getting on the bus can be quite tricky; but once we’re on the bus it’s hello fun, fun, fun! I like the bus because it gives me an extra sense of independence.  I will have to tell you the story of riding the bus for the first time.  It is quite funny.  You will think, “Cate’s poor mom!”.  Don’t worry, Mom could handle it.  I would wait until I got home at night to tell Mom about my adventures from the day.  Why worry her all day? 

I have become the “Where’s Waldo” of Grove City, OH.  People will say, “Hey Cate, was that you on the bridge?”.  My reply is, “Yep”.  People will say I am brave, but I am not sure whether it is bravery or stupidity.  On a pretty day, I love driving along singing my heart out.  I really don’t worry about who hears me.  I am really looking forward to driving in heaven.  Even though in heaven everyone, including me, will be able to drive perfectly,  it is reassuring Jesus will be right there.  If I need to, I can say, “Jesus take the wheel!”.  I will be happy to offer each-and-every one of you rides in heaven.







22 responses to “Driving”

  1. Hannah Avatar

    Cate! I spent all night at work reading your blog and i absolutely loved reading it and i absolutely love you as well! Keep up the good work! I cant wait to read more!

    1. Cate Avatar

      YOU’RE AN AWESOME PERSON!!!! YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT! I LOVE YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!! I’m glad my blog could help you through a night at work!!!! Thanks for your sweet comments!!!! If I ever have to be in OSU I want YOU to have to deal with me!!!! Don’t worry I’ll be a good patient!!!!

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    Cate-exactly how many Mobis have you owned? Probably more cars than the average person. I love you and I love your adventurous spirit-I AM glad though that you gave up vehicles! Lol you are loved and l look forward to riding through your life via your journey!! And from Texas! I gotta go I’m supposed to be studying, seminary life

    Love you,

    1. Cate Avatar

      Just the fact that you said you’re glad I gave up vehicles, makes me all the more want to drive you around in Heaven!!!! Let me be your chauffeur for a while!!!! Come on, Jenn, where’s your sense of adventure? Go joy riding with me in Heaven, please oh please!!!! Thanks for your comments!!!!
      Love Ya

      1. Jennifer Avatar


        O yeah I’m taking a joy ride with you some day! Absolutely. I want to orchestrate the heavenly choir for at least a minute!

        Love you!

        1. Cate Avatar

          You’re way cool!!!! I’ll drive you to orchestrate the Heavenly choir!!!!

  3. Donna Avatar

    I bet you would love the bumper cars at the amusement parks!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Yes, I really do enjoy them!!!! Donna, I know you will let me drive you around in HEAVEN!!!! I’ll take you anywhere you want to go!!! Thanks for all your encouraging and supportive comments!!!!! I really appreciate you!!!!

  4. Duane Avatar

    I love you Cateybug I want a ride when we get to heaven sign me up!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      I’ll be glad to drive you around in Heaven!!!! Let’s go for a ride on a motorcycle!!!!

  5. Abbey Avatar

    I love it Cate!!! Put me down for a ride!! Maybe we could even do a sing along ride along moment 💛💛

    1. cate Avatar


  6. Janet Avatar

    Girl friend you are so delightful and funny. What a trip riding with you in this post. I remember coming home from work one day and seeing you on Stringtown Road on your scooter in rush hour traffic. It almost threw me into a panic, because back then there were no sidewalks, you were actually driving down the side of the road!

    1. cate Avatar

      Janet, thanks, for your sweet comments!!!! You’ll be glad to know that you’re one of the first people I want to drive around in Heaven!!!! Please say you’ll go with me!!!! We’ll be driving down streets of gold!!!!! Ok ok ok if you’ll feel better Yes, Jesus can go with us!!!!

  7. Jan Avatar

    Thanks for the unintended reminder to be grateful for what I have Cate!
    I hate to drive, I hate cars (yet I married a mechanic and we started an auto repair shop- go figure). In heaven, I’m hoping to have an angel chauffer and never have to drive again! Hey, maybe it can be you!!! No. Forget it. We would probably get into too much heavenly trouble.
    Anyway, you reminded me I should be grateful I get to drive when I want to. Thanks for improving my driving attitude!

    1. cate Avatar

      I’ll be happy to drive you around!!!! I already DRIVE YOU CRAZY NOW!!!! We won’t get into any trouble, remember, it’s HEAVEN!!!!! Jan, I’m really looking forward to spending eternity with you!!!!

  8. Connie Avatar

    OMG! You had me rolling on your driving experiences.. so thankful you never was locked up and needed bail money cause I didn’t know you then. But I do have your back now. LOL. I am enjoying your blog so so much! Keep ‘em” coming.

    Love you more!!

    1. cate Avatar

      Thanks for your comments!!!!! I’m always glad to know that you have bail money on hand if I need it!!!!

  9. Anne Avatar

    Cate- I love your sense of humor!! Made me laugh out loud. You are so creative!! We’re so proud of you!!

    1. cate Avatar

      I’m glad it made you laugh out loud!!!! I want to drive you and Uncle Rob when we’re in Heaven!!!!

  10. Brenda Avatar

    I couldnt stop laughing long enough to read this out loud to my husband Much Love Cate keep it coming!!

    1. cate Avatar

      I’m happy it made you laugh!!!! See you tomorrow!!!