Game Day

Ahhh…Fridays!  We all look forward to them! For the majority of people, it’s the end of the daily work grind! It means a two-day break from the difficult boss, that we not only have to be civil and respectful to, but we also have to carry out his orders and try to please! Two days away from grueling and tedious work tasks.  The number one reason (at least for me, anyway, when I was still working) I looked forward to Friday was Saturday morning!  A chance to sleep in and have a lazy and leisurely morning! 

Today, Fridays have a whole new meaning for me! A couple of months ago, a great friend of mine told me about game day at her church and invited me to come.  I haven’t missed a day yet! One reason why I like it is, I can get to the church all on my own, on my scooter!  I really love that feeling of independence!

They have a nice café where we gather and play. I usually leave early and have brunch! I’m the kind of person who needs a lot of help and patience.  I have one speed-SLOW!  The slowest drying paint dries faster than me! I tell everyone, if you ever see me in a store, rush and beat me to the check-out line.  You do not want to be stuck behind me or you will be putting yourself at risk of actually being there until Christmas! The people that work in the café are fantastic!  The food is really great! 

I’ve only been going to game day a few months and I already have a whole new group of terrific friends!  The name of the group is Young at Heart… I knew right away that it was a place for me! They have been so warm and welcoming!  The way they make me feel reminds me of a line in the theme song to “Cheers”… “Where everybody knows your name and they’re always glad you came.” 

There are three card games I know how to play. Notice, I just said know how to play, I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not a seasoned player. The three card games are Euchre, Golf and Rook.  One thing I like about them is that the names themselves sound so intellectual and sophisticated! (A lot more than Go Fish or Old Maid!)

Over the years, I have picked up a few unwritten rules… you know, that only hip people like myself would know, Ha ha ha!  The rule is that you knock on the table with your fist to indicate to the other players that you want to pass and not name trump!  If I do nothing else in the game right, at least I can knock! It always makes me feel so official and legit! 

I will be completely honest with you…I like to win!  My Mom was the type of person who, when you played games with her, would actually cheer you on and congratulate you on your good moves!  I did not inherit that trait from her.  I am by no means cut-throat, maybe somewhere in the middle.  I try my best, but I will also say that even when I lose, it’s just fun hanging out with my friends!

A month ago, the group decided that on the second Monday of every month, we would have a progressive Euchre tournament.  Well, our first tournament was this past September 11 and guess who brought home the winning trophy! Yes, me, yours truly!  I think having the knocking action down pat really clinched it for me! Ha ha ha ha!  My trophy-the winner’s trophy- says, “Euchre, Eucan, Eudid.”   They also give a consolation trophy to the loser and I’m pretty sure it says,  “Euchre, Eucould,  Eudidn’t”!

At a normal game day there are several tables playing different games, the usual games being Euchre, Dominos and Golf.  Every now and then a group will bring out a different game to play.  I also enjoy playing the card game Golf, a new game I’ve learned since joining the group this past summer.  I’ve met one of the sweetest women ever!  I have a little trouble picking up the cards,  and she’ll say, “Cate, come sit by me so that I can help you”.   She’s my little Golf buddy and helper!  Whoever says, “Christians, don’t have any fun”,  is 100% absolutely wrong!  WE DO! 

There is a special bond among a group of people who all believe, live for and love God.  The joy spills out to the people around them; they really do express caring, helping and love!  Face it, we Christians, need each other now more than ever, in this rough, tough and ugly world!  If you’re looking for a group of people to show you the care, help and love of Christ, find a game day at a church!  It really worked for me!  Let’s learn to care, help and love each other! After all, we’ll be spending a very long time together! All eternity!






12 responses to “Game Day”

  1. Jan Avatar

    Cate the Card Shark..who knew?

    1. Cate Avatar

      We’ll, maybe I did more in Vegas than I let on!!!!

  2. Janet Avatar

    Cate, I have enjoyed your last two post, keep it up. Blessings, Janet

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for being a great friend and your support on my blog!!!!

  3. Stephen Avatar

    In several of your blogs, you have helpfully encouraged your readers to absorb a valuable lesson about living a satisfying life: that it is important to take pleasure in the simple things.

    This summer on vacation in Maine, my Dad happened to bring along a printout of a Bible verse to share with our family that also pointed toward this truth.

    Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 ESV
    I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.

    1. Cate Avatar

      It is true that we can find joy in the simple things of life! Sometimes we’re so busy waiting for great, big things to happen, that we miss out on GREAT BIG JOYS IN THE SIMPLEST THINGS!!!! Thanks for your encouraging comments!!!! I’m so glad we’ve been reconnected through this blog!

  4. Ladd Avatar

    Wow Cate sounds like fun I played euchre a lot when I was younger I haven’t played in a long time. It is so good for you to have fun with friends and to enjoy your self, and that is such a cool looking Trophy!! Love you girl see you soon.

    1. Cate Avatar

      We’ll have to play Euchre sometime and be partners, that would be really fun!!!!

  5. Diane Avatar

    Cate, you have really brightened up our game day and even if that dear sweet Betty has taken my place as your best friend, that’s OK because she’s my best friend too!😁

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, I had so much fun with you yesterday. I love joking and laughing with you and I LOVE YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!! You are a dear, precious friend!!!!

      1. Mandy Avatar

        Cate, you won the trophy for Euchre. Was it because you were so cool and knocked? You got into the spirit of the game and aced it.. I admire you for going cold turkey into a group of women to play games. You’ve got courage girl. Lucky, there was a good caring lady to help you with the cards. And you both clicked and became friends. That’s the good part of any activity, like minded souls appear to enrichen life.
        My entry this week is early as my entry last week was Friday evening and I bet you missed it..
        Aunt Mandy

        1. Cate Avatar

          Thanks, you just gave me a great philosophy for life!!!! When you don’t know what to do in any life situation, just take deep breaths, slow down, keep cool and knock on doors (instead of tables!!!!)