Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

I love this verse! It is my life verse! Yesterday, I asked myself if I really understood what it meant. I want to since I am having it as the foundation of this blog! I was hung up on the word hope. My sister and I spent all day discussing it and trying to come up with an understanding of it. Last night I read something that helped me understand that Biblical hope is a reality and a confident expectation. I guess I got mixed up with human hope. Human hope is wishful thinking. Biblical hope is knowing with excitement and joy!

My ultimate hope is heaven! Life without CP, OCD and depression! I can’t wait to be able to move and run. I love asking people to play tennis with me in heaven. I woke up thinking the next people I’m going to ask are Venus and Serena Williams.  I’m happy to announce that the score will be 40 all. There are no losers in heaven!!!! That statement deserves and requires four !!!!

I love adventure and excitement. Driving a car is another adventure I look forward to in heaven. I would also love to drive Dad on a motorcycle and sing with thousands in the heavenly choir.  I’ll no longer have to sing with Amy Grant only on Spotify, but in person.  It’s exciting to know in heaven, I’ll be right on key AND I’ll be able to hit the high notes!  Are you ready for my last adventure? Skydiving!

I have great news for you!  Biblical hope is alive and well on earth, HERE and NOW, even when all we see is despair and gloom! God did put me in the perfect job. God was there for me when my parents died, and I still enjoy life. The last 2 1/2 years were sheer torture but with much love, support and prayer God directed us to the perfect people and medication. This blog is God sent. A year ago I was in a dark, deep depression, now I’m embarking on a dream and adventure of a lifetime!

God sends people into your life that can help you see hope! This blog was the idea and suggestion of my brother. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything in perfect clarity. All that I see now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me completely. 2 Corinthians 13: 12.  God is in control! He has a great and glorious plan. Hope can be a reality RIGHT NOW, here on this earth! I think one day we are all going to wonder…why did we ever QUESTION GOD. I invite you to join me in discovering and celebrating more of the ’here and now’ hope as we march toward our future hope, heaven!






28 responses to “Jeremiah 29:11”

  1. Julie Avatar

    Hi Cate!!! I LOVE this! I am laughing throughout some of your remarks because they are so you!!! Kaylah will play tennis with you and Kinsey will skydive! 🙂 I can relate to looking forward to singing beautifully in heaven…. Kinsey doesn’t like to stand next to me in church cause I sing so loudly and terribly! 😀 Thanks for sharing your journey- your words are an encouragement to all and your praise to God are an example to us. MUCH love to you.

    1. Cate Avatar

      It was awesome hearing from you!!!! Thanks for your your lovely, sweet comments!!!! I will sing with you!!!! Ask Kaylah if she’ll play doubles against Martina Navratilova and Billie Jean King?????? I sing too fast! I start out before the whole congregation in Church! I really love your whole family!!!!!

  2. Duane Avatar

    Cateybug you are amazing I am learning so much about you and my life through your family thank you so much for all you do God bless you sister!!✌️🇺🇲

    1. cate Avatar

      Thanks so much for your kind words!!!!

  3. Amy Avatar


    You made me smile and gave me joy reading this today! I love hearing from you and I thank you for this message of hope. I love to think of Heaven too and all that we will see and do there someday! I love and miss you!!💕

    1. Cate Avatar

      It was great to hear from you! WON’T HEAVEN BE TOTALLY AWESOME! I’m sure looking forward to spending eternity with you!

  4. Diane Avatar

    Cate, I can’t wait till we can tiptoe through the tulips together, but until then I will wear my Cate sweatshirt and lay on my Cate pillow and share about my wonderful friend and her walk with Jesus.

    1. Cate Avatar

      I’m honored you’d wear my logo!!!! Thanks for all your love, support and sweet comments!!!! Have a great day!!!!

  5. Jennifer Avatar

    Biblical hope is a joyful, confident expectation fearing nothing and no one, when the drought comes we are well rooted and grounded in hope we stay refreshed and certain even in uncertain times. Hesed love is the faithful, yearning love of a Father who will never, ever (under any circumstance) let us go. Hallelujah my friend-that’s our God.

    Love you sweet sister!


    1. Cate Avatar

      Amen, sister!!!! Jen you’re becoming a great theologian!!!! Thanks for your AWESOME, SWEET comments!!!! LOVE YOU

  6. Jan Avatar

    How good is God that He plans to give us a hope AND a future?
    I always think of that heavenly hope you describe as an anchor for the soul. It holds us steady in every storm!
    Jesus is our hope.
    You’re a great theologian Cate! Better than you would be as a skydiver 😉

    1. Cate Avatar

      I never thought I’d be called a theologian! Jan, come Skydiving will me! Relax, remember that we’ll be in Heaven! Nothing will go wrong! Who knows you’ll probably love it!

  7. Skip Avatar

    Thanks for sharing such wise words! Especially loved hearing the things you look forward to doing. Love you so much cousin! That smile is so beautiful. Miss you.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, so much for the kind, loving and supportive comments! Glad we’re cousins and I Love you so much too!

  8. Abbey Avatar

    Sooo good! Such a great encouragement. I’m up for a match, Catie girl you best believe it!! ❤️

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for everything!!!! Your talent in setting up my Redbubble site, you’re AWESOME, ENCOURAGING and SWEET comments!!!! I’m SO GLAD GOD blessed me with YOU for a niece!!!! See ya on the tennis court

  9. Donna Avatar

    You sing with such feeling that know one cares if you can hit the high notes! I think it’s time for you to sing in church, please!

    1. Cate Avatar

      You have just earned yourself being mentioned in my blog everyday!!!! You don’t even have to take me out for dinner!!!! Thank you for your awesome, sweet comments

  10. Bev Avatar

    I agree that we have hope now and do not have to wait until heaven for it. We are filled with hope and anticipation for what God will do each day. He inspires us and gives us joy as we reflect on the signs of his involvement with us daily. I’m so glad you are sharing with all of us. You are very inciteful and make us glad to have Jesus in our lives.

    1. Cate Avatar

      You are so loving and supportive!!!! Thanks for your lovely comments!!!!

  11. Bonnie Avatar

    You know, I never knew the difference between the 2 hopes. Thank you for clarifying 🙏🏻 👍.
    Oh, I can’t carry a tune in a bucket so when I can sing perfectly in heaven 🎶
    I’m be right there with you.
    🎼 every heart beat that bars your name loud and clear let me state my claim 🎶
    Amy Grant 80’s
    ….. I think those are the words lol

    1. Cate Avatar

      Can you imagine Bonnie- you, me, Amy Grant and millions of others singing praises to God!!!! God, himself will be right there in our midst!!! Won’t that be TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!

  12. Janet Avatar

    Sky diving in heaven might be a little difficult unless God has a special place
    set aside with gravity, otherwise you might be floating above your parachute.
    Blessings on your new adventure, Cate!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Janet- You’re right! I’m no rocket scientist, I only play one on TV! I believe if God knows I really want to skydive because I couldn’t down here, God can even defy gravity!!!! Remember Janet, with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!!

  13. Michael Avatar

    Hi Cate,

    Can you share the title of what you read that helped you understand the meaning of “hope”? Or any other readings that discuss Jeremiah 29:11 that you found inspirational/helpful in your journey?

    Let’s play doubles against the Williams sisters!!!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      I’m thrilled to have you for a doubles partner!!!! I hear aces are your specialty!!!! I will email some info in a bit.

  14. Sally Avatar

    Much needed reminder, my girl. Thank you!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thank you right back, my girl, for your awesome and sweet comment!!!! Thanks for your love and support!!!!