More Thoughts On Heaven

The way things are going these days, it makes me think more and more about heaven! I can’t wait! Just think, a perfect world! No more CP and OCD (please feel free to fill in with whatever you are looking forward to living without!). I just imagine the moment you get to heaven; Jesus is standing with his arms open wide, ready to give us the best embrace we’ve ever had in all our lives! All I know is that I’ll never want that embrace to end!

I’m sitting here typing this and imagining asking someone in heaven how their day was, and their response will be, “TOTALLY AWESOME, PERFECT” EVERY SINGLE DAY! Nothing will ever be annoying. I won’t even be annoying. I can’t wait till Jesus shows us the big picture.  I’m sure we’ll totally understand, and it will have all been worth it!

I have questions for many people in heaven. I want to ask the disciples, “What was it like being among the first people to be picked to follow Jesus?” “Mary, tell me what it was like, in your own words, being the mother of the Creator of the world and the Savior of all people!”.  “Jonah, what was it really like inside the whale?”.  The list goes on and on!

I can’t wait to see Dad and Mom again! I can’t wait to meet my Aunt Phyllis, who I never got to meet. I KNOW she is as awesome and sweet as my Mom and my Aunt Carol! I can’t wait to see many more! I can’t wait to have concerts with all these people that, right now, I can only sing with on Spotify.

Watch out, when I’m in heaven, I’m going to be doing all the things I wanted to do here on this earth but CP robbed me of doing! I’d love to hear from you…what are you looking forward to being able to do in heaven? Who’s on your list to talk to? I am curious to see what running is like. I invite any of you to run with me!

A couple weeks ago we sang a song in Church and I instantly fell in love with it! “Hymn Of Heaven” by Phil Wickham.  I think it goes along with what I am trying to say perfectly.   In closing I just have two things to say. See you on the running track and tennis courts, and for now, make the most of life in the red part of the rope!






10 responses to “More Thoughts On Heaven”

  1. Jen Avatar

    Cate, I know here on Earth we are loved completely by God, but for me, I think I will truly believe it and feel it. I think it’ll be just like the embrace you described, being fully wrapped in love. I look forward to that the most, but also just the fullness of happiness! ❤️

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your sweet comments!!!! Heaven will be an AWESOME, PERFECT PLACE 24/7! I can’t wait to be in Heaven because we all will be totally loved and understood by everyone!!!! I want you to know that I really LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. Diane Avatar

    Hey Cate, the thought of me carrying a tune is unimaginable! I can’t wait to tell the people responsible for sharing their love and faith with me “Thank you, thank you, I love you!!”
    I can’t wait to dance with you my dear friend!!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      You will be able to carry a tune!!!! I want to be right beside you in the Heavenly choir!!!! It will be fun dancing together!!!! Thanks for your encouraging and sweet comments!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

  3. Duane Avatar

    Well Cate I want to live the best I can here on earth and be as kind and loving as I can be. I pray that the Lord finds me worthy for heaven and then I want to do everything! Love you sister

    1. Cate Avatar

      There’s nothing we can do to make ourselves worthy!!!! It is God’s compassion, grace, love and his willingness to make us worthy!!!! We are all on equal ground!!!! You don’t have to work for your worthiness it’s a gift from God!!!! I can imagine God looking down on you saying, “Duane, well done my good and faithful servant”

  4. Anne Avatar

    I’m going to be able to carry a tune- and sing in the choir!! I’ll be able to swim for miles and run up mountains. And Cate, I want to dance with you!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      I want to dance with you too!!!! I want to do the Waltz!!!! It always looks elegant and fun!!!!

  5. Connie Avatar

    I will run with you Cate! We can play ball and anything we’d like. Just
    Think I won’t be afraid of water and I will be out there swimming with dolphins.

    1. Cate Avatar

      I want to do it all!!!! Run, swim with dolphins and sing in the Heavenly choir!!!! Connie, we’ll be able to hit the high notes!!!!