Somebody Feed Phil

If you like food and traveling the world from the comfort of your own living room, well then, do I have a show for you!  It’s on Netflix and it’s called “Somebody Feed Phil.”  Travel with Phil Rosenthal as he tries all kinds of food from all over the world!

Phil’s previous claim to fame is his work as creator, writer and executive producer of the sitcom “Everybody Loves Raymond.”

In the “Somebody Feed Phil” series, some episodes will make you drool. Others will make you cringe and make you glad you already have a full stomach, or depending on what kind of person you are, an empty stomach! You’ll see him eat everything from big fat juicy burgers, pizza and wraps to the weirdest, most disgusting things possible (you wouldn’t be caught dead eating it or if you did eat it that’s where you’d probably end up, DEAD!) You’re going to ask yourself, “How can he eat so much and still remain so skinny?”  IT ISN’T FAIR! 

There is a lot more to the show than just food! Phil is so kind to everybody and always makes everybody feel so good!  He really cares about people and gets to know them and their culture, not only by tasting their food; he also allows himself to participate in many of their cultural experiences!  By the end of the show, everybody is Phil’s friend, and you can see why! He has a genuine interest in people and takes the time to listen and learn.  Just by watching the show, you get the feeling he has probably made long-lasting relationships!

Phil will also show you beautiful landscapes in and around the particular city he is in. If there are any adventures or experiences that really define a city, he will allow himself to participate and go through it so that we (viewers) can experience it with him from the comfort of our own living room couches! Phil not only highlights the city’s food, but the whole city!

I have to take a minute and tell you that Phil is also so funny! Sometimes Phil has his family on the show with him. He has a lovely family, and they all get along so well! Husband and wife, brother, kids and parents! It’s so refreshing to see a family getting along and enjoying one another! 

Phil’s brother is the producer.  Phil is good to his brother and the rest of the crew! He gives them food to try and jokes around with them!  Near the end of the show Phil always FaceTimes with his parents.  Phil will talk about the experience he is having and see how they are doing, and again, it is fun to see the good relationship they have! (I’m sorry to tell you that his parents are now both deceased) They always ask Phil how Richard (Phil’s brother) is doing. It’s a joke that they love Richard more. You know that they are joking!  Phil teases Richard a lot but you can tell they have a good relationship also!

The reason I talked so much about the family and their relationship is because I think it’s important to remember the family really is important! 

In closing, I would like to say gather the family, find yourself a comfortable seat and watch “Somebody Feed Phil”.  You might find yourself saying this (which was the name of Phil’s first show) “I’ll Have What Phil’s Having!”  Happy eating and watching! 






8 responses to “Somebody Feed Phil”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    I have heard about Phil from the ladies in my condo building. They really like him. Your affirmation of his work shows what you bring to your life, what is important to you, what you look for ——-love, family, humor, travel, adventure, kidding, sharing, food, listening, interest in another’s culture……………as a tv critic you are worth a listen.
    I hadn’t seen you two since your Dad’s service. We just took off where we once left. I loved showing you my condo in the heart of my town. You liked it as much as I do. Cate, thanks for my iced chai latte on our walk. Being with the writer of the blog reaffirmed who she is – deep thinking and fun. Joyce, as always, is an angel from heaven, and the two of them are a real pair of adventurers. Thanks so much for coming.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Dear Aunt Mandy,
      Thanks so very much for your encouraging and sweet comments!!!! Thanks for the TOTALLY AWESOME AND LOVELY DAY!!!! Joyce and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment!!!! It was so fun seeing your world!!!! I’m so glad we’re back in touch!!!!

  2. Connie Avatar

    I’ll have to check Phil out. Being a picky eater I’m sure I’ll pass on a lot of those meals. LOL.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Trust me your mouth will be watering!!!!

  3. Ladd Avatar

    Very nice Cate I have not seen this show or heard of it before but it sure looks like a great time. I really love reading your blog every week I look forward to them. Thank you so much sis God bless you!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks Ladd!!!! You’re so faithful, I can depend on coming home from church and having a comment from you!!!!

  4. David Avatar

    Oo we love Phil!! Thanks for your fun review!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Steve and Kara told us about this show!!!! I’m so glad they did too!!!! It is a really fun show to watch!!!!