
I will always associate Sundays with pot roast! That is a weird statement, isn’t it! Please let me explain! I’ve already told you all what a wonderful mother I had! When I think of my mother today and the kind of Mom she was, I think of these verses in the Bible… 

 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.  26When she speaks her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.  27She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness.  28 Her children stand and bless her.  Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all. 

Proverbs 31: 25-28 (NLT New Living Translation) 

My mother was TOTALLY AWESOME!  She would wake up early Sunday morning (and everyday) prepare a pot roast Sunday lunch and have it cooking in the oven while we were at Church. She would get breakfast for whoever needed it. She would also give me the extra help I needed! She did all this and was as sweet and kind as she could be! 

It was important to Dad to be on time!  My Dad would yell, not meanly, just so a household of people could hear him, “ten minutes!”  Five minutes later he would yell out, “five minutes.”  I remember thinking to myself, “Dad, in all reality, it’s going to be more like fifteen to twenty minutes because I’m only halfway ready!”  My Dad was always kind and patient! He never got really mad about it! I think my Dad probably prayed for patience and then I was born! Ha ha ha ha.  I said it in a previous blog post and I’ll say it again, when it comes to fathers; I won the Golden Ticket! DAD WAS THE BEST!

We would finally make it to Church!  I don’t know why, but I always came home starving, and the awesome smell of the pot roast lunch cooking didn’t help! You know me, I have to be completely honest, I would turn into a begging dog, waiting for any scraps that might come my way! I would sit right by my mother while she cut the pot roast, with my mouth doing the swallowing motion and I’m sure there was some watering of the mouth as well.  My mom was kind and would always give me tasters and appetizers of pot roast! I’d like to be able to say that I was doing a great service to the family and making sure the pot roast was cooked enough and safe to eat, but my mother was an awesome, wonderful cook and her food definitely did not need testing!  The 100% complete truth was that I was really hungry and wanted some of Mom’s awesome, wonderful pot roast! 

After Sunday lunch, it was that sweet time we all know and love called Sunday afternoon naptime!  When I was younger, I would hunker down in front of the TV.  I’m sorry to say this, but football makes a great background noise to sleep by.  I’M SORRY!  Bengals fans will be encouraged to know that watching the Cleveland Browns play football puts me to sleep deeper and faster than watching our beloved Cincinnati Bengals! As I got older, I would sneak off to my bedroom for an all-afternoon nap!

After my Mom died, my sisters took over doing all the cooking! As the family circle grew more and more with weddings and births, we decided to simplify.  We learned that Grove City has lots of great pizza joints! It was fun ordering from a different venue every week to see who had the best pizza; I personally vote for Pizza Hut! 

When Covid hit, our regular Sunday get togethers got disrupted!  Now, we meet at 2:00pm for iced or hot coffee- whatever suits each one’s taste.  We sit out in the backyard and just have fun catching up on what’s happening in each other’s lives!  Sometimes my nephew and his wife will come and bring their two kids.  Kids are fun to watch play and you never know what they will say!  During the season, my brothers will give me batting and pitching practice for Buddy Ball. 

My family has a unique situation in that we mostly live in the Columbus area.  The only exceptions being one nephew and his family who live in Atlanta, another nephew in Iraq with the National Guard, who will hopefully be home sometime in September! HIP HIP HOORAY! I also have a niece and her husband who live in California.  I have to tell you, I don’t sneak off and take naps anymore; I stay up and enjoy visiting with my family! 

I invite you to make Sundays a special day of rest! Start the day off right by going to Church!  It’s fun to worship by singing, hearing a great God-inspired message and fellowshipping with all your good friends! After that, come home, eat a good lunch, and do whatever is peaceful and relaxing to you!  I encourage you to do this… IF YOU CAN AND HAVE THE TIME,  TAKE YOURSELF A GOOD LONG SUNDAY AFTERNOON NAP!  To help you not feel guilty, think of it as a necessity (not just a want) to get you prepared for the long, new week ahead! 






10 responses to “Sundays”

  1. Janet Avatar

    Your blog last week on swimming and this week about Sunday and pot roast were so good. I really had to look at the Sunday dinner picture, for awhile I was confused. I then realized I have never seen the table turned that direction. Your mother was a great cook!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks so much for your sweet comments!!!! Mom was a great cook!!!! My mouth is watering right now replying to you and thinking about her pot roast now!!!!

  2. Stephen Avatar

    Our experiences make us who we are, our memories are the way those experiences continue to shape us, and through story we share those memories with others—thereby inviting listeners to know who we are. Your blog not only allows us to know you, but it also invites us to remember with you. I could hear your Dad’s distinctive voice as you portray him calling out “Five minutes!” on Sunday mornings. When you describe how your Mom cheerfully served others through her preparation of food, I could picture her standing in the rustic kitchen at Fourway. Thank you for sharing these stories.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your comments!!!! It’s fun that our families have a history together!!!! I saw a movie yesterday, one of the characters reminded me of Uncle Bill!!!!

  3. Ladd Avatar

    I so look forward to reading your blog every Sunday morning after my morning devotions. They are so enjoyable and very uplifting to me and my spirit. Thanks Cate for sharing so many great memories with you and your family God bless you sister.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks, I look forward to reading your faithful response every Sunday!!!! Thanks for saying they are very uplifting to you and your spirit!!!! I am so glad they do!!!

  4. Dave Avatar

    Cate, I love your blogs! Reading them is like you are right in the room talking with me. As I read them, in my mind I can actually see your amazing smile as I am reading. You need to save a file of each blog and make them into chapters for a book. Pot Roast is my favorite Sunday meal as well.

    1. Cate Avatar


  5. Connie Avatar

    Oh my! I loved this blog as I told my daughter just last week that I had recently made Sundays a day of rest after Church is over. For a short time now when I leave Church I come home and get a bite to eat and the rest of my day is just that. Rest. Normally, I am always busy the other six days of the week doing something, whether it’s right or wrong, so I got to thinking about my aunt Nellie and how she used Sundays as a day of rest. So…….. that is what I now do.

    Thank you for this blog and enjoy those naps all!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your sweet comments!!!! I’m so proud of you for making Sunday a day of rest!!!! You always sound so busy on the other days!!!!