Work Life

Job hunting was a job in itself! I would get all dressed up to look professional and then Dad and I would spend the day taking resumes around to different places. Being disabled, it really made me wonder if people took my resume seriously or if the moment I left, they wadded up my resume and played wastepaper basketball! I hardly ever heard back from anyone and when I did it was always a big, fat NO!

Once, I had the opportunity to go for a two-week work evaluation and they told me I was going to get paid.  I told the family with my first paycheck I would buy them supper.  I was so excited! I WAS GOING TO BUY SUPPER FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!  Well, I remember getting my first paycheck; I was handed this long, official looking paycheck. Believe me the excitement was building!!!! Just for fun and because I am curious if I can do it, I’ll try to replicate the paycheck. ( My brother helped enhance it a little! )

The paper to write the check on cost more than the actual amount of the check!  I couldn’t buy my family dinner! All I could buy was, maybe, two packs of chewing gum. A stick for everyone! At least there wouldn’t be a problem with anyone over-stuffing themselves. 

For my first job, Mom hired me to do housework for her. That didn’t last long!  After three weeks of doing housework, Community College was looking very interesting. My first major was Handicapped Services, but being handicapped myself, it wasn’t really a good fit!  My second major was Mental Health; however, it really scared me trying to help other people with all the same problems I had myself! My third major was Sign Language. I really loved it, but then reality set in; an instructor told me that the second year would get fast and that I probably wouldn’t be able keep up. Boy, reality sure does get in the way of your plans sometimes, doesn’t it!  

After having three majors wind up at dead ends, we decided that I could take some courses just for fun!  I took an acting and bowling class.  Which reminds me…I have a famous backside!  The local news came and did a story.  They took footage of me bowling and my backside filled up the entire TV screen! Not my first choice for a picture of me for the TV! Fortunately, no one has ever asked, “Hey, was that your backside I saw on TV the other night?”!  (ha,ha,ha)    Sometimes you have to laugh, or you’ll cry!

I continued to take classes until we moved to Columbus.  The hunt for employment resumed. Again, I would get all dressed up and Dad and I would head out to submit applications and leave resumes; with the same answer I ended up with in Dayton, a big fat NO! I did have many volunteer jobs but that is another entry.  

My friend at church hired me to stay home with her mother-in-law while she ran errands.  Often, we would sit together and enjoy a bowl of ice cream for a snack.  Cindy (that was the dog’s name) had her own ice cream, “Frosty Paws.” I would feed Cindy her ice cream with a spoon! Sometimes, I felt like I was on Candid Camera! I was just waiting for Allen Funt to pop up and say, “Smile, you’re on Candid Camera!”.  Cindy, like me, was afraid of thunderstorms. I’m happy to say that I’m not as scared of them now as I was back then!  During thunderstorms, Cindy took refuge in the bathroom and guess who had to go in with her and be her protector- yep, yours truly!

After that, God led me to a computer training program for disabled people at Goodwill Industries.  I really loved it! I learned a lot. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten everything I learned!  It would really be useful in doing this blog!  Right out of that program, I got a job interview.  I was thrilled and couldn’t believe I finally got a YES! A job coach went with me and helped me through the interview.  I was offered the job but unfortunately, I turned it down due to a personal conviction. 

I finally landed a job at Target as a fitting room attendant.  I ended up working mainly in the men’s department because it was slower and easier for me to keep up with.  My job was to check people in and occasionally walk through the rooms and make sure they were clean.  I was only at Target one year. Then I landed a job all on my very own!  It was at a clothing store. I worked there for about three weeks. Then, coming across another situation I felt was unethical, and not wanting to get everyone else in trouble, I quit. 

Eventually I got connected with Arc Industries (a sheltered workshop). My first job at Arc, was as a cashier in the cafeteria! I loved the job! I will always remember my very first day.  I was so slow, we needed to put up a sign like the ones you see at Kings Island, “One hour wait from this point!” (ha ha ha ha)  I thought I’m never going to last! Well, I lasted 14 years until they closed all the cafeterias in all the workshops!

Then God opened the door for me to go to Columbus State Community College for one year to earn a certificate to be a Habilitation Assistant.  This was totally different than before!  Guess what? I, Cate, graduated from college! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! I then returned to Arc Industries in a new position. I loved that job! I went around doing various activities with people. I wasn’t responsible for their physical care; I just got to help them have fun and make their day more enjoyable.  I was able to take people in wheelchairs for rides, I would push them in their wheelchair with one hand and drive my scooter with the other! That job lasted about 7 years until Covid.

After going through my long bout with depression and OCD, God has blessed me with beautifully orchestrating this blog into existence! I can do it in the comfort of my own home and can sing along with my Christian music.  I have an AWESOME, LOVELY SISTER who stays with me, helps me and keeps me company!  I can see having this job for the remainder of my life! For now, I have to share life with you through this blog.  Someday we’ll share our lives together in Heaven!  I can’t wait! 







21 responses to “Work Life”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    Dear Cate-I still remember the day you graduated. I am so proud of your determination and hard work. I love your sass and grit, so perhaps I’m following in your footsteps with the whole college situation. I got accepted into the Master’s biblical counseling program!! Please come when I graduate-no worries it might take another minute or two. You inspire by example. Love you 🥰


    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your encouraging and sweet comments!!!! I’m proud of you for doing a job and school!!!! Talk about someone successful it’s YOU!!!! You have overcome so much!!!! To see God working in your life is TOTALLY AMAZING and AWESOME!!!! I’ll be happy to come see you graduate with a
      Master degree!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. Sally Miller Avatar
    Sally Miller

    Cate, I love your blog but I am not sure what I like more, the blog or the comments!
    But I do know that you are my girl!

    1. Cate Avatar

      People have been TOTALLY AWESOME, KIND and SUPPORTIVE with their comments! I’m very grateful. YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE MY GIRL!

  3. Anne Avatar

    Once again you’ve “ knocked it out of the park “, and I’m not just saying that because Spring Training has started. You have such talent as a writer, and everything you write about you , you make so real!! I love you,Cate!!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Aunt Anne,
      YOU’RE TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! I’m so glad you’re my Aunt!!!! I love you too!!!! Thanks for your encouraging and sweet comments!!!!

  4. Bev Avatar

    Love your blog. Your life stories are so easy to identify with. You have a great talent for sharing your life in a way that is real and full of emotion. You express yourself so well. I can’t wait until the next blog. Love you Cate!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your sweet comments!!!! Thanks for all your encouragement and support!!!! I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog!!! Love you,

  5. Janet Avatar

    Enjoyed walking with you through your journey of jobs. Some of the journey I was walking with you and remember. Have a blest day!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your faithful support every week!!!! You are a true blessing!!!!

  6. Duane Avatar

    Wow Cate I really enjoy reading your blog every week. I can hardly wait for the next one. I used to deliver packages to goodwill off of 5th Ave. In Grandview is that the same place you worked at? Love you Catebug see you at Church.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your comments!!!! You’re so faithful reading and commenting!!!! I really appreciate you!!!! Yes, I think I took my computer training at the Goodwill off 5th Ave. I won’t be at Church today, I have a cold!!!!

  7. Charlene Avatar

    You are awesome and did a great job when you were at Arc Industries. Many participants looked forward to your daily activities. You always had a smile on your face and brought a smile to others. I am so glad for your friendship and all the precious memories . 💖 Love you!

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your sweet and encouraging comments!!!! You’re such a dear and precious friend!!!! There were days at Arc I only made it because of YOU!!!! Thank you for letting God use you to minister to ME a fellow employee!!!!

  8. Connie Avatar

    Hmmmmm…… you were a celebrity before on television. Do you
    Charge for autographs or are they free? Asking for a friend.

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your comments!!! Tell your friend I’ll be happy to give her my autograph!!!! I don’t like dealing with people via a middleman!!!! She’ll have to get in touch with me herself!!!

  9. Paul Avatar

    Cate, I am totally enjoying your blog. I’m learning a lot of things that I may be able to use against you somewhere down the road. LOL

    1. Cate Avatar

      I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog!!!! Thanks for reading it!!!! Paul, have you ever heard of “hush money”💰 Just name your price!!!! LOL

      1. Jennifer Avatar

        Paul has a great idea here——lol.

  10. Jan Avatar

    I have been meaning to ask you for years….
    Was that your backside I saw on
    TV a long time ago? Yours has always looked vaguely familiar to me

    1. Cate Avatar

      Thanks for your comments. You’ve always been good about getting down to the “bottom” of things!!!!ha ha ha ha